
Today we are going to cover How To Win Lane In League Of Legends. This is an often common question I keep getting asked and the answer really varies greatly as there’s a lot of factors affecting it. In this article I’m going to try to break this down in simplistic terms so you can be aware of what you need to do at a very high level.
We are going to drill in down to some of those factors that I consider are important for the game to win lane against any opponent the game presents you with.
How to Win Lane in League of Legends
Lane in League of Legends is extremely important as it is the path that the minions take to get to the towers and inhibitors. The objective of the game is to destroy the enemy’s nexus, which is located in their base, and the way to do this is by taking down their towers and inhibitors.
There are three lanes in League of Legends:
- Top
- Middle
- Bottom
- Unofficially (Jungle this is the entire map aside from the lanes)
Each lane has two towers and an inhibitor. The top lane is the longest lane and is usually where the tanky champions go. The middle lane is the shortest lane and is usually where the mage champions go. The bottom lane is the second longest lane and is usually where the ADC (attack damage carry) and support go.
The first thing you need to do to win your lane is to last hit the minions. This means that you need to get the final blow on the minion so that you get the gold. The reason why you want to do this is because it allows you to buy items faster so that you can be more powerful.
An important thing to do is to try and control the lane as soon as you can. Early champions have a slight edge on controlling the lane first but if you get some help from your jungler you may be able to get ahead even with a mid to late game champion. This means that you want to push the minions to the enemy’s tower so that they take more damage and you can get more gold. It is also important to try and gank, which is when you go to another lane and help your teammates kill the enemy champions. Ganking can be extremely helpful as mentioned earlier as it can help you win your lane, especially if your champions is a late game one.
Last but not least, it is important to try and stay alive, this goes without saying but some people still seem not to fully do this and feed. This means that you want to avoid getting killed by the enemy champions. If you die, you give the enemy team gold and experience, which can help them win the game. Try to stay alive and you will be one step closer to winning your lane and the game.
The Importance of Winning Lane in League of Legends
Lane is the most important part of the game in League of Legends. Winning your lane means having an advantage over your opponent in the early game, which can be crucial in determining the outcome of the match.
There are a few things that are important in winning your lane.
- You need to last hit minions as we discussed earlier.
- Another thing that’s important in winning your lane is to harass your opponent. This means using your abilities to damage them without taking too much damage yourself. If you can do this, you’ll slowly wear them down and make it easier to take them down when the time comes.
- You need to be aware of your surroundings. This means keeping an eye on the map so that you know where your teammates are and where your opponents are. If you see an opportunity to gank (ambush) an opponent, take it! This can be a great way to turn the tide of a battle.
- You can mentally boost yourself to think you are closer in a win and also
If you can win your lane, you’ll put yourself in a great position to win the game. So focus on last hitting, harassing your opponent, and being aware of your surroundings. Do this, and you’ll be well on your way to climbing elo.
Tips and Tricks For Winning Lane In League of Legends
Lane in League of Legends can be a very difficult thing to master. There are many different ways to approach it, and many different things to keep in mind. Here are a few tips and tricks to help you win lane in League of Legends.
Know your role
This may seem like a no-brainer, but it’s important to know what your role is in the game. Are you the carry? The support? The tank? Knowing your role will help you understand what your job is in the game, and how you can best help your team to win.
Mid Lane
Laning: Mid Laners are expected to be able to win their lane or to use their levels to help out other weaker lanes earlier on. Some champions are really made to win lane and then take that gold and experience and use it to secure objectives, gank other lanes and push out lanes all over the map.
Roaming: Most mid lane champions are great at roaming, Assassins and Mages have a great advantage when fighting versus ADCs, supports and junglers earlier on, they use this advantage to snowball the game and carry their other teammates through the middle game.
Laning: Like we mentioned earlier, laning is king in Top Lane, unlike mid you can’t rely on just blasting the wave and hoping that the wave bounces back into your tower, experienced top laners will freeze the wave under their tower and starve you out of multiple waves.
Mentality: This is probably the harshest lane in terms of comeback mechanics, if you’re not a tank and you’re losing lane, you can expect to suffer a lot, it’s important to be able to withstand the stress of losing your lane in top lane or you will get tilted easily.
Matchup Knowledge: It’s very important for junglers to have a good idea of how the lanes will most likely go, for example if you see a Yasuo vs Twisted Fate and you’re playing VI. Then you know that the Yasuo will most likely push hard, so you can camp his lane and use your double stun with TF to destroy the Yasuo.
Mentality: Because of the subjective nature of Jungle gameplay, a lot of players will dump their frustration into their jungler, top laners love to moan that they got ganked once and their lane is ruined, but so do mid laners and ADCs too. It’s important to be confident in your decisions and to know when it’s better to just mute people.
Team Play: The best support players are great at making everyone around them play better, and easier. You just know when you’re playing with a support main vs an auto filled one, it’s quite obvious.
Vision: We could probably write an entire article about how important vision is in League of Legends, and the role that has the highest influence in this part of the game is support.
Staying alive: The most important thing for ADCs to master is the ability to stay alive, most games are immediately lost when you die to the enemy Zed, so make sure you understand when you can and when you can’t go to certain places.
Farming: It’s really important to keep up in cs as a bottom laner, ideally this player will have the highest CS in the game.
Understand your opponent
Knowing who you’re up against is half the battle. Pay attention to their playstyle and try to predict what they’re going to do. If you can stay one step ahead of them, you’ll be in a much better position to win the lane.
Another way to win your lane is to simply outplay your opponent. This means that you are able to make better decisions than them, and as a result, you will come out ahead. This is the most difficult way to win your lane, but it is also the most rewarding.
Farm efficiently
Farming is a huge part of the game, and it’s important to do it efficiently. Last-hitting is key, so try to focus on that. In addition, don’t be afraid to use your abilities to farm. Many abilities can be used to clear waves quickly, so make use of them.
Stay alive
This may seem like another no-brainer, but it’s important to stay alive in lane. If you die, you give your opponent an advantage. Try to play safe and avoid taking unnecessary risks.
Use your abilities
Your abilities are your best friend in lane. Use them to your advantage. Many abilities can be used to harass your opponent or to secure kills. Use them wisely and you’ll be well on your way to winning lane.
Following these tips should help you win lane in League of Legends. Remember to practice and to stay calm to avoid tilt and going into loss streaks which could significantly impact your overall elo. If you make a mistake, don’t beat yourself up over it. Everyone makes mistakes, and the important thing is to learn from them. Good luck!
I have also written an article on how to avoid tilting which you can find here:
No matter which way you choose to win your lane, it is important to remember that each one is important in its own way. You should always try to mix up your playstyle in order to keep your opponents guessing, and always be looking for ways to improve.
Why Winning Lane Is Important In League of Legends
The laning phase is when players try to outfarm and outlast their opponents in order to gain an advantage. Winning your lane means having more gold and experience than your opponent, which gives you a better chance of winning the game.
There are a few reasons why winning lane is so important:
- It gives you an early lead. If you can win your lane and get ahead of your opponent, you’ll have a better chance of winning the game.
- It gives you map control. If you have control of your lane, you can push into the enemy’s territory and take down their towers.
- It gives you team fight potential. If you’re ahead in lane, you can join your team in fights and help them win.
- You can roam in other lanes that may be losing and have an impact there by ganking them.
- You can contest objectives such as dragons, baron and herald easier as you will be ahead and if someone shows up you can outright kill them.
- You can assist your jungler in duels in the jungle, if your enemy in the lane is weak they will not be able to follow you there and you can get ahead your jungler too.
So, why is winning lane so important? Because it gives you an early lead, map control, and team fight potential. If you can win your lane, you’ll have a much better chance of winning the game. If you are like me and want to
I hope you enjoyed How To Win Lane In League Of Legends and were able to learn something new. I know this list can be endless and there’s a lot of points to it but I wanted to at least give you the basics on getting started and improving your rank in league of legends.
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