
What is the Best Lane To Climb Elo LoL, surely we have all heard about different opinions in the topic but which lane is truly the best to climb elo on?
Well in this article we will cover everything you need to know about the easiest lanes to rank up and break it down in the following sections:
- Why picking the right lane to climb on is important
- Which lane is better for high and low elo
- Which lane to avoid when climbing elo
So please carry on reading to get a deeper dive on the topic and have all your questions answered.
What Is The Best Lane To Carry In Low Elo In LoL

I’m going to give you a quick answer here and below I will break down the reasons as to why I think Mid-lane is the easier and best lane to carry in low elo in league of legends. Let me start by saying I personally play mid-lane too not because I think it’s the best lane to carry but because I find it fun. However in this article I’m not going to talk about which lane is fun to play on because that may contradict on what is going to help you go up the ranks.
The list below outlines some of the points I consider are important to take note on why mid lane is better to climb in low elo:
- You are closer to the dragon and herald/baron, no other lane can be there fast enough during laning phase.
- You can help you junglier contest the scudle crab early in the game on both sides.
- You can quickly push the lane and go into the enemy jungle in both sides to help 2v1 the enemy jungler
- You can gank two lanes top and bottom if they are overextended, if you were top you can only help mid if you were bottom you can only help mid.
- It’s the lane where all other lanes rotate too bottom and top can only go there from their lane which means if you are good at defending on enemy ganks you can make the enemy lose xp and time while your lanes make a push.
- Similarly to above you can also outplay and potentially turn a 2v1 fight in your favor and set them even further behind.
- Your lane is shorter than bottom and top lane which lets you play a more diverse set of champions and be able to withdraw to your tower if needed. This is the reason why a lot of the times you see mages here which are highly immobile but you don’t see them being played in the other longer lanes.
- You don’t have a dependency with another champion here such as a support or jungler, this is shared off course with top lane but the bottom, support and jungles rely on their team mates. Ultimately this proves that if you are good enough you will do better since you are not reliant on third factors that may affect you during all times of the game.
- It doesn’t require a lot of specialized game knowledge like other lanes or requires you to learn advanced concepts such as freezing and managing your waves.
Hope the list above makes it clear that the mid lane is one of the most highest impact lanes in low elo to climb with. However is this also true for high elo and professional play? Let’s find out in the next section.
What Is The Best Lane To Carry In High Elo In LoL

In this section we will discuss which lane is better to climb with in high elo. We will break this in detail below but the short answer is it varies, with a very strong argument that top lane being one of the best ones. If you check the ladder boards in most regions you will see that the top players at any time are usually top lanes. Granted this changes overtime as the meta shifts around and we have seen it in the past being dominated by jungle mains but the last few years it’s consistently top lane.
This is a list of why I believe top lane is best to carry in high elo:
- In the past seasons it’s generally been very tank/bruiser meta. Meaning that tanks deal a lot of damage even after the Season 12 nerfs and also become unkillable as the game reaches late game. Top lane is notorious for having these kind of champions.
- It’s very easy to counter and a lot of focus is spent here by the jungler. The theme we have been seeing over and over in high elo is that the top laner slow pushes the first few waves and then sets up a gank with an early game jungler. This strategy is so efficient that most top laners know about it and still can’t prevent it. Since it’s important to be good to stop it you playing top has an overall game impact to avoid snowballing on the enemy team.
- Players are much better here and you are not in an island like you do in lower elos. Typically top lane in low elo is so isolated that by the time it reaches early-mid the game is pretty much determined by then from bot and mid-lane. Since in high elo there’s rarely much happening during that time you being in an island doesn’t matter much.
- You are closer to herald which is very important in high elo. Since most people know how to defend their tower it’s very rare to see someone single handedly take top lane but with the help of a herald and the ally jungler you can do this. This gives gold to the team and lets you get a small lead ahead.
- This lane has the most notorious split pushers which could carry the game solo if they are allowed too, but in high elo this usually is not something they will allow regardless it does attract attention and often than not it takes more than 1 person to stop a good top laner that knows how to split push properly. As a consequence this results into 3v2 fights happening in the game in favor to the team that has the split pusher (as the other teams sends usually 2 members to stop him). We have seen this happen in the LCK finals of 2022 this year and it worked very well.
- This is also the lane of the 1v5 champions. As you know the pro Rivens, Yasuo, Jax, Fiora, Darius etc. These champions given skill and scaling can carry the entire game on their own. Some are so good at team fighting that you generally don’t want to feed early on.
- It’s the lane with the champions that have the highest global presence. Before I list those champions let me tell you why this is very important in high elo. As you know the laning phase in high elo is very boring at the best so that leaves us with mid or late game when people start to group up and fight. Having a champion with a global ultimate is vital to be present in those fights so champions such as Gangplank, Shen, Lilia’s ball and semi-global ones such as Galio, Ryze, Pantheon, Kled and Sion make the team fighting very different.
- The standard thing most top laners take is teleport this allows them to be present again faster in team fights. As we stressed earlier this helps you climb in high elo as a top laner since most top laners do take teleport as a summer spell.
As you can see the list is very compelling and weighed towards the top lane to be the best lane to climb high elo. Keep in mind the difference in elo here is very important and you cannot apply the same logic across the board and thing it will work.
What is the easiest lane to learn in League of Legends
Every lane has their own quirks, Mid laners need to be really good at laning and roaming, ADCs need to be great at farming and playing under pressure, Supports need to be smart enough to anticipate situations and generally be good at the game to have an impact, Junglers benefit from every single skill in the game and especially from great lane matchup knowledge(important to know who to gank), lastly Top laners must be capable of winning their lane hard while also being good at just stalling the enemy top laner when their losing.
In reality there is no “easy” lane in League of Legends, every lane has easy and difficult champions. Some easy champions might be mechanically simple but will require great understanding to be effective, while some champions will be mechanically complex but have a simpler gameplan that is actually easy to execute (if you can do it).
It’s all relative so let’s go deeper into each lane/role and what makes them tick, we’ll go in order from “hardest” to “easiest”
Bottom, or ADC (Attack Damage Carry) is the stereotypical carry role, players playing this role are required to be good at farming and team fighting. These players are commonly the strongest players in their team in terms of mechanics, with the best kiting and attack-move techniques.
Players in this role are expected to farm for most of the early game and to keep doing it through most of the game, their biggest selling point is their ability to “carry” their team to a win in the later stages of the game.
Most champions played in this role excel at the late game, so players need to be patient and they really need to understand that they will be weaker than most other players early in the match.
Later in the game, these players will be the anchor of their team, dealing consistent high damage from longer ranges, if your ADC is dealing damage in a team fight then your team has very high chances to win.
Mid lane is widely known as the semi-carry role, players playing this role are expected to carry their team through the earlier stages of the game, unlike Bottom Lane their influence is felt as early as 8 minutes in when they can easily roam all over the map with superior levels into other lanes to get kills and objectives.
Unlike ADCs, and most other lanes, mid lane is an incredibly varied lane, with every single “class” of champions being viable here. Depending on the patch you will see Assassins, Mages, Fighters, Tanks, and even Marksmen and Enchanters playing in mid lane.
Top lane, or “The Island” as I like to call it is an unforgiving lane. Matchups in top lane are very volatile, with most being decided in less than 5 minutes of laning. A single mistake can relegate you to farming under your tower for the entire early and mid-game.
It’s for this reason that top laners really need to be good at laning, if nothing else you want your top laner to be confident in his ability to lane 1v1 versus their top laner for a long time, in season 13 most junglers would rather gank bottom lane than go top so you can’t rely on junglers to help you out much.
Unlike Mid lane, Top Lane is quite far away from Dragon, so it’s not expect for you to roam much, this is why some people call it “The Island”.
The jungle, or the wild card of each team. This player is not required to go to any lane in particular which means that they need to constantly make decisions on where to go next. They’re not as constrained by champion matchup as other lanes, but they have unique challenges and skills to learn that other lanes just don’t have.
This means that in most cases the team with an auto-filled jungle will straight up lose. The skills required to excel in jungle are so different from those of the other lanes that the only way to get better at it is to play jungle.
Jungle is also a varied lane with most champion types present to some degree, you most commonly see Tanks and Fighters here but it’s not uncommon to see Mages and Assassins too (even some marksmen and enchanters too).
The support, or the “babysitter” lane. The support is a vital part of the team providing vision for their team and being a source of crowd control thought the entire game.
But the support role is not confined to being a defensive player that is only useful as an enchanter. Nowadays support is the most varied role besides mid lane, with almost every class also present here (in season 13 we’re even seeing support marksmen make a strong push).
Support players are required to be solid team players, to be smart enough to know when to roam and when to stay with their ADC and much more.
The days of playing Soraka, Janna and not much else are over. Nowadays there are multiple mechanically difficult support champions that are a blast to play. With champions like Pyke, Bard or Tresh, support players can also benefit from strong mechanics!
What Is The Hardest Lane To Climb Elo In LoL
What Is The Hardest Lane To Climb Low Elo In LoL

- It requires advanced mechanics to move around the jungle at the right times
- You need to be aware of objectives such as baron, herald and dragons
- You need to be able to have good vision score
- You need to have good map awareness and notice which lanes are pushing to have the best gank opportunities
- You need to know the best jungle paths of clearing to amplify your amount of experience at the least amount of time
- You need to know your matchup but also your 2v2 matchups meaning that the top mid or bot laner can contest and when it’s time to back off or fight.
- You need to know what each dragon and jungle camp gives you in terms of stats and gold to better contest what’s important
Typically low elo players do not have all this knowledge as you get closer to Plat the players start to know these things but anything below that they usually lack a few of the things listed above.
What Is The Hardest Lane To Climb Low Elo In LoL

The answer here is none. The players are all proficient in their roles and have a good understanding what they are playing. For example you will never get a support that doesn’t know what to do in lane or a jungler that doesn’t consider doing objectives. One of the reasons those players reach high elo is that because they have mastered all the lanes and the competitive level here is very high. So don’t look for a golden bullet as you will not find it there’s no weakness here even in autofills.
If you found Best Lane To Climb Elo LoL useful and you think it may have helped you please drop me a cheer below I would appreciate it.
If you have any questions, comments please post them below I check periodically and try to answer them in the priority they come in.
Also if you have any corrections please do let me know and I’ll update the article with new updates or mistakes I did.
Where is your favorite lane to climb elo?
Mine is mid-lane. The reason is purely subjective on when I started playing the game I found a better fit playing in mid-lane. It’s the lane of the mages the lane of the highest and most impact on other lanes and it’s the lane that’s close to the two objectives. I found this a fun way of playing the game and always be part of the action. In my opinion the other lanes such as top are more boring and there’s less diversity there so I play what I enjoy the most which is mid. At the end of the day you need to understand that league of legends is a game and you should be playing for fun first and then competitive unless off course you are a professional player or streamer and your main income relies on it.
If you want to learn more about laning related stuff I have written a few articles below:
- How To Always Win Lane By Freezing In LOL
- How To Counter A Split Pusher In League
- Where To Place Wards In Mid Lane LoL
If you would like to find more information on the what each lane is and does in LoL you can check the guide below: