Easiest Katarina Matchups
There are a few champions that I think are the easiest for Katarina to beat in a lane matchup. These champions include Ahri, Annie, and Zyra. I think that these three champions struggle against Katarina the most because they do not have the mobility to dodge her daggers or the burst damage to take her down quickly. Against Ahri, I would recommend using your W to dodge her Charm and then using your Q to harass her. Once you have her low, you can go in for the kill with your ultimate. Against Annie, I would recommend using your Q to poke her and then using your W to dodge her stun. Once she is low, you can go in for the kill with your ultimate. Lastly, against Zyra, I would recommend using your Q to poke her and then using your W to dodge her plants. Once she is low, you can go in for the kill with your ultimate.
Hardest Katarina Matchups

There are a lot of different ways to play Katarina, but some matchups are definitely harder than others. Here are some of the hardest Katarina matchups that I have come across:
1. Against an AP carry who can kite well – This is probably the hardest matchup for Katarina. AP carries who can kite well (think Ahri, Zyra, etc.) are extremely difficult to deal with because they can just keep you at bay with their long range abilities and poke you down until you’re forced to back off. If you do manage to get in close, they can just kite you again and you’ll never be able to land a full combo.
2. Against a tanky top laner – This is a difficult matchup because it’s hard to kill a tanky top laner without help from your team. Tanky top laners like Maokai or Mundo can just soak up all of your damage and then heal back up, making it very difficult to take them down.
3. Against a strong early game jungler – This is a tough matchup because if the enemy jungler gets ahead early, they can easily gank you and put you behind. Strong early game junglers include champions like Lee Sin or Elise who can easily take you down if they catch you by surprise.
4. Against a control mage in the mid lane – Control mages like Syndra or Orianna can be very difficult to deal with because they can just keep you at bay with their long range abilities and poke you down until you’re forced to back off. If you do manage to get in close, they can just kite you again and you’ll never be able to land a full combo.
5. Against an assassin in the mid lane – This is a dangerous matchup because assassins like Zed or Talon can easily take you down if they catch you by surprise. They can also easily escape if you try to chase them down, so it’s important to be careful when playing against them.
Carry With Katarina Low Elo
Katarina Low Elo is a YouTuber who makes videos about League of Legends. She is also a competitive player, and has reached Diamond 1 in solo queue.
Katarina’s content is mostly aimed at helping low elo players improve their game. She makes videos on things like how to carry your team, and how to climb out of low elo. Her advice is based on her own experience, and she is always honest about her own mistakes.
Katarina is a great resource for low elo players who want to improve. Her videos are informative and entertaining, and she is always willing to help her viewers. If you’re looking to improve your game, be sure to check out her channel.
Carry With Katarina High Elo

Katarina is one of the best high elo players in the world. She is known for her amazing mechanics and her ability to carry games. When she is on your team, you can be sure that she will do everything she can to win. Her playstyle is very aggressive and she always looks for ways to get kills. She is also very good at using her ultimate ability to get kills and turn the tide of battle. If you are looking for a player who can carry your team to victory, then you should definitely consider picking up Katarina.
How To Play Katarina Early Game
Katarina is a unique champion in League of Legends. She is known for her high burst damage and her ability to quickly assassinate targets. In this guide, we will discuss how to play Katarina early game.
First, let’s talk about her abilities. Katarina has three main abilities: Bouncing Blade, Shunpo, and Death Lotus. Bouncing Blade is her bread and butter ability. It does a decent amount of damage and can bounce to multiple targets. It’s a great ability for farming and poking enemies. Shunpo is her escape ability. It allows her to teleport to a nearby target. It’s great for getting out of sticky situations or chasing down enemies. Death Lotus is her ultimate ability. It’s a channeled ability that does a massive amount of damage to all nearby enemies. It’s great for team fights and cleaning up enemies.
Now that we’ve talked about her abilities, let’s talk about how to play Katarina early game. Early game, you want to focus on farming and poking enemies with your Bouncing Blade. Try to stay behind your minions so you don’t get poked yourself. When you have the opportunity, go in for a quick Shunpo + Bouncing Blade combo. This will do a decent amount of damage and usually forces the enemy to back off. If they don’t back off, you can follow up with a Death Lotus. This will usually finish them off.
Remember, early game you’re not looking for kills. You’re looking to farm up and poke enemies. Once you get some items and reach level 6, you can start going for kills. Until then, just play safe and farm up.
How To Play Katarina Late Game
Katarina is a unique champion in that she is incredibly strong both early and late game. Her kit allows her to easily take down enemies, even those who are significantly stronger than her. In order to play Katarina late game, you must first understand how to utilize her strengths.
Katarina’s main strength is her ability to quickly and easily take down enemies. This is because her kit allows her to do a lot of damage very quickly. Additionally, she has a very short cooldown on her ultimate, which allows her to use it multiple times in a teamfight. Because of this, it is important to focus on using her abilities to kill enemies rather than trying to survive.
Another important aspect of playing Katarina late game is understanding when to engage. Katarina is very strong in 1v1 situations, but she can be easily killed if she is caught out by the enemy team. Because of this, it is important to wait for your team to engage before you try to kill someone. Additionally, it is important to make sure that you have an escape plan if things go wrong.
Finally, it is important to remember that Katarina is very reliant on her team. She cannot win a teamfight by herself, so it is important to coordinate with your team. If your team is not doing well, then it is likely that you will not be able to win late game.
Overall, playing Katarina late game requires you to be very aggressive and to coordinate with your team. If you can do these things, then you will be a very strong asset to your team.
How To Team Fight With Katarina

Katarina is a high-mobility assassin who excels in team fights. Her kit allows her to quickly close the gap on enemies and deal massive burst damage. When using Katarina in a team fight, it is important to focus on the enemy carry or squishy target. This will allow your team to quickly take down the enemy team.
To start a team fight with Katarina, you should position yourself behind the enemy team. This will allow you to easily get to the enemy carry or squishy target. Once you are in position, you should use your Shunpo ability to close the gap on the enemy. Once you are close to the enemy, you should use your Q ability, Bouncing Blade, to deal damage. After using Bouncing Blade, you should use your W ability, Sinister Steel, to deal additional damage. Finally, you should use your E ability, Death Lotus, to deal massive damage to the enemy team.