Today we will cover the best mid-laners to carry low elo in League of Legends. I’m going to focus on the aspect that you are a low elo player and what works for anything up to silver 1 elo. I consider anything above Gold a little over average so these picks may not work as well there. Having said that I do think some of them are still good even in Gold elo.
A bit about my background on the game, I have been playing League of Legends Summoners rift since season 7.
During that time I have played all roles of the game with particular focus mid, top and adc. I have been able to easily reach high gold elo since the beginning of playing the game and have peaked to Platinum in several seasons. I have played in NA, EUW and EUNE servers but mainly EUW.

How to carry low elo with Annie
Annie is probably the easiest and best pick to carry low elos. Simply put she has some fundamentals that make her super easy to play and at the same time without having a lot of skill you can do a lot of damage to multiple champions at the same time and stun them. And yes this is her ultimate called Tibbers. Very few other champions in the game have this AOE damage. Annie also has her q which makes her super easy to farm in lane and sustain and furthermore she scales like a monster. Additionally if Annie gets an early kill she can start stacking her dark seal making her pretty quickly hard to deal with. She excels against assassins because she can easily one shot them if they try to attack her. Her only weak point is when her ult is down or if she’s caught out of position and cc’d.

You can find additional information on Annie here.
How to carry low elo with Malphite
Malphite is not traditionally a mid laner but he does really good in this role for the reasons listed below. He can one shot mages from distance without too much effort, he’s too tanky for assassins like zed and talon to kill him as he benefits from the armor in his passive. Adding to those outside laning phase he has the same attribute as Annie his ultimate is very hard to dodge and he can cc and do aoe in multiple enemies which offcourse benefits the team. His scaling is great and he can get pretty tanky depending on how you build him out. I think a team with a Malphite will most likely win if it reaches late game as he can be unkillable and hard to deal with.

You can find additional information on Malphite here.
How to carry low elo with Zed
There can be no article about mid lane without zed in it. While a lot of the times zed is an icon especially when played by the pros such as faker or zed99 and many people think that his skillcap is very high but the truth is that his skillcap that you need to reach to carry low elo games is not high at all. His kit is built to do a lot of damage and kill squishies from a distance without being impacted. The truth about zed is that he can get pretty difficult to master but mastering is not necessary to win games especially up to high silver / low gold. His farming is super easy as all his abilities and auto attacks basically kill the minion wave. He has a great escape in lane (unless you blow it out) with his w which makes him very difficult to gank. My advice is that if you want to climb is to play him, give him 5-10 games to get used to his kit and then you’d be advancing the ranks pretty fast.

You can find additional information on Zed here.
I personally like playing Malphite as he’s very rewarding especially when he ult’s and can potentially one shot to AD carry. If you think I forgot someone on the list above please mention them in the comments below. I’ll be interested to find out more about your opinions about carrying low elo.
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Also if you have any corrections please do let me know and I’ll update the article with new updates or mistakes I did.
If you would like to learn more about carrying games please take a look at my section here for more articles.
Which is your favorite low elo carry champion in league of legends?
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