In this article I’m going to give you my perspective on the differences between league of legends summoners rift vs wild rife. I have been playing League of Legends summoners rift since season 7 and I have been on and off as usual I get frustrated at times and stop playing but then I come back to it after a while. The past few years I’ve been playing very few games per season I’d say on average about 200-300. While this does not make me an expert at the game it does give me enough information to understand where the game is going at and see how it evolves. Finally after many years Riot decided to enter the mobile world of gaming. I see this as a positive note overall as I believe it enables a larger user base that does not sit infront of a computer all day and just wants to play a quick and casual game. And I believe this is exactly what it has achieved. In this article I will go over why I believe Riot’s decision was a good one.
A bit about my background on the game, I have been playing League of Legends Summoners rift since season 7. During that time I have played all roles of the game with particular focus mid, top and adc. I have been able to easily reach high gold elo since the beginning of playing the game and have peaked to Platinum in several seasons. I have played in NA, EUW and EUNE servers but mainly EUW.

If you would like to read more about what these games are please visit Riot’s website.
Summoners rift vs Wild – Gameplay
Ok there is probably going to be a lot of heat going as to which one is best. Lets start by saying that Wild Rift is League of Legends for the mobile and not for the desktop. What I am trying to say is that you will never to be able to get a one to one match between the two. Wild rift is a more chill gameplay meaning that it’s ok if you don’t land your skillshot or miss that ultimate things are happening at a very fast pace so you will have more opportunities to do that later in the game. Also keep in mind the same disadvantage holds for everyone else in the game unless they have practiced for hours per day and they will probably be at a different rating than you in any case. Having said that when you start playing stick to the basics and avoid playing champions with difficult skill shots that could be easily missed because you didn’t point properly. Once you get the hang of the game then you can move to the more complicated champions that have more micromanagement skills. On the other hand summoners rift is slower paced and requires more precision to excel at it. In this case you are using a keyboard and a mouse so the expectations are a bit higher depending on what elo you are in.

Summoners rift vs Wild – Graphics
This is a matter of preference always so I’m only giving my perspective on this. In general I always found Riot’s League of Legends games lag behind what is on the market in the same category. However sometimes simplicity is better for those that don’t really care about the animations of skin object designs. I find myself in the latter category where I prefer less visual stuff going on and focusing more on the gameplay itself. I even sometimes tone down the graphics visual effects in league of legends itself. Now going on to wild rift vs summoners rift, I honestly cannot find major differences they both look crispy for what they are. The visuals are well designed and functional on getting the job done. The one problem I have noticed is that there’s sometimes a latency on my phone when I adjust to the higher resolution stuff and I own an iPhone 11 at the time of this writing which I believe is still a current and modern phone which should have been smooth. Summoners rift on the other hand has a lot of issues with rendering and it has serious fps problems even to this date. I have used it with various computers at both Mac and Windows with fast and slow pc’s and it never quite worked properly. I still remember installing it on a dual graphics card that can handle really heavy games and struggling to keep an fps of 144 with default medium graphics settings. And I’m sure this could be some issue with my graphics card or fine tuning of my settings but a game like League of Legends should be able to do this out of the box with minimal work from the user on configuration.

Summoners rift vs Wild – Champions & Items
Wild rift is a much newer game and has less items and less champions than summoners rift. However I believe in terms of progression and ratio Riot is doing pretty good to keep up the numbers. Also please understand that some more complex champions are not ideal and a good fit for wild rift so those I believe will be released much later in time. Furthermore some champions may have balance issues to be played in wild rift for example someone playing Malzahar that has a lot of point and click abilities (by the way I used to be a Malzahar main) they will be able to do a lot better than other champions, which I think is another reason why he hasn’t been added yet. Also you need to consider the champion – item relationship there’s some champions like Yorick that are very item dependent to do well their job so if an item is missing the champions addition will probably get delayed. Overall I think Wild rift will do great in the next months as it grows in player base and more items and champions get added. In terms of items specific I think there is enough to play the game and Riot did the right thing to adjust some of them and change their actives.

Summoners rift vs Wild – Ranked
As I have said earlier I used to play League of Legends summoners rift since season 7 and a lot of the knowledge I had carried over to wild rift. So when I started playing Wild rift my win rate was super high and I was going up the ranks pretty fast until I flattened out at around Platinum which is almost the same as Summoners rift (currently Gold 1). The difference was that you can go up and down the ranks much faster and the elo system and the point system is vastly changed to the best in my opinion. Think of playing Summoners rift but with only playing the old placement games each rank requires 4 wins except when you are changing tiers. Since I jumped ranks at the beginning I found that I went from Bronze 1 to Platinum very fast and I liked that because I started playing with players similar to my skill level. I admit that I spammed playing champions like master yi to climb faster and later changed to more complicated champions as I reached my skillcap. For Summoners rift I still think the elo system requires a lot of work to become better. Unfortunately I think Riot tried a lot but over the years none quite fit the formula which is funny because they came up with Wild rift and it worked quite good. Since this topic has been over-discussed and saturated I’ll leave it to others to analyze and go into more depth. If you are struggling to climb elo’s you can read more on my climbing article.

This will be a personal opinion I think things are moving to mobile at this time and people are spending more of their time in tablets and phones also the portability of a mobile device always wins sitting infront of a pc and spending time so I think the future is definitely Wild Rift. I also like the fast paced part of the game and how it’s more casual and it’s harder for people to type which takes away part of the toxicity. Furthermore I believe Riot did a good job improving the ranking system while keeping the excitement going. I know it’s still very new but I prefer it much more than Summoners rift the dumbed down approach makes it more of a chill game that is packed with a fast paced action and forgiving is easier to do if you mess up.
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Which game do you prefer?