
We will go over How To Carry With Teemo. Teemo has been one of my go-to top lane champions in season 12 and I believe I will continue playing him in season 13. Today we will cover everything you need to know such as skill matchups, easy and difficult ones how he performs during the late and early games along with his team fighting capabilities.
If you haven’t played him and would like to take him up this is the guide for you. If you are a bit more advanced with Teemo already then you may pick up a few things here and there from my experience playing him. Note I’m currently platinum 3 so everything you read here is up to that elo.
Easiest Teemo Matchups
There are a few champions that give Teemo a really hard time, but there are also a few champions that he absolutely destroys. Here are the easiest matchups for Teemo.
1. Vayne – Vayne is a champion that relies heavily on auto attacks to deal damage, and that is exactly what Teemo’s poison does best against. Vayne will have a hard time dealing with Teemo’s constant harassment, and she will be easy to take down in a 1v1 fight.
2. Ashe – Ashe is another champion that relies on auto attacks, and she will be unable to deal with Teemo’s poison. She will also be easy to kite and take down in a 1v1 fight.
3. Sivir – Sivir is another champion that relies on auto attacks, and she will be unable to deal with Teemo’s poison. She will also be easy to kite and take down in a 1v1 fight.
4. Caitlyn – Caitlyn is another champion that relies on auto attacks, and she will be unable to deal with Teemo’s poison. She will also be easy to kite and take down in a 1v1 fight.
5. Tristana – Tristana is another champion that relies on auto attacks, and she will be unable to deal with Teemo’s poison. She will also be easy to kite and take down in a 1v1 fight.
Hardest Teemo Matchups
There’s no denying that Teemo is one of the hardest champions to play against. His kit is incredibly versatile and his playstyle is very difficult to counter. In this article, we’ll be taking a look at some of the hardest matchups for Teemo and how you can try to counter them.
- The first matchup that we’ll be looking at is against Jhin. Jhin is a champion that excels in long range fights and kiting. This makes him a very difficult opponent for Teemo, who relies on getting close to his opponents to deal damage. Jhin’s ultimate is also a huge problem for Teemo, as it can easily pick him off from long range. The best way to counter Jhin is to try and engage him in short range fights, where you can use your mushrooms to control the battlefield. You should also try to avoid fighting him in open areas, as he will always have the advantage.
- Another difficult matchup for Teemo is against Malphite. Malphite can get on top of him and one shot him as he’s very reliant on skill based attacks which counters Teemo’s kit. Teemo has a slight advantage early but after level 6 Malphite can one shot teemo.
- The last matchup that we’ll be looking at is against Zed. Zed is a champion that excels in 1v1 fights and can easily take down Teemo in a fair fight. The best way to counter Zed is to try and engage him in team fights, where you can use your mushrooms to control the battlefield. You should also try to avoid fighting him in open areas, as he will always have the advantage.
Carry With Teemo Low Elo
Teemo is one of the most controversial champions in League of Legends. He is incredibly strong in the early game, but falls off a bit in the late game. This makes him a high-risk, high-reward pick in most games. However, in low-elo games, Teemo can be a carry. Here’s how to do it.
First, you need to understand how to play Teemo. He is an incredibly strong early game champion, but his damage falls off in the late game. This means that you need to get your kills in the early game and then transition into a more supportive role in the late game. Teemo is also a very mobile champion, so you need to use this to your advantage. You should be constantly moving around the map, looking for ganks and opportunities to get kills.
Once you understand how to play Teemo, you need to start carrying your team. The best way to do this is to get kills in the early game. Teemo’s early-game damage is incredibly strong, so you should be looking to get as many kills as possible. Try to gank other lanes and get kills whenever you can. If you can get a few early kills, you’ll be in a great position to carry your team to victory.
Remember, in low elo games, it’s all about getting kills and carrying your team. If you can do this, you’ll be well on your way to climbing the ladder.
Carry With Teemo High Elo
Teemo is one of the most unique and interesting champions in League of Legends. His kit is incredibly versatile, allowing him to be played in a variety of ways depending on the situation. He can be built as an AP carry, AD carry, tank, or even support. No matter what role he is placed in, Teemo always has the potential to make a huge impact on the game.
One of Teemo’s most defining characteristics is his passive, Camouflage. This allows him to become invisible after remaining stationary for a short period of time. This can be used to great effect in a number of ways. For example, Teemo can use it to ambush enemies, set up ambushes for his team, or even escape from dangerous situations.
Another one of Teemo’s defining characteristics is his ultimate, Noxious Trap. This ability allows him to place a trap on the ground that will explode when an enemy steps on it, dealing damage and slowing the target. This can be used to great effect in a number of ways. For example, Teemo can use it to slow enemies chasing him or his teammates, to damage enemies pushing a lane, or to control an area of the map.
Overall, Teemo is an incredibly strong and versatile champion that can be played in a variety of ways. No matter what role he is placed in, Teemo always has the potential to make a huge impact on the game.
How To Play Teemo Early Game
Teemo is a unique champion in League of Legends. He has the ability to deal massive amounts of damage with his auto-attacks, and he can also control the battlefield with his mushrooms. In this article, we will discuss how to play Teemo early game.
First, you need to understand that Teemo is not an auto-attack champion. His auto-attacks do not scale well with attack damage, and they are not his main source of damage. Instead, Teemo’s main source of damage is his Poison Dart (Q) ability. This ability does a flat amount of damage plus a percentage of the target’s maximum health. This makes it very strong against tanky targets.
The best way to use Poison Dart is to poke the enemy team with it. Try to hit as many targets as possible, and don’t be afraid to use it to last hit minions. The cooldown on Poison Dart is very short, so you should be able to use it often.
In addition to Poison Dart, Teemo also has a powerful ultimate ability called Noxious Trap (R). This ability places a trap on the ground that detonates when an enemy steps on it. The trap deals a large amount of damage and slows the enemy. This is a great ability for setting up ganks or catching enemies off guard.
When playing Teemo, you need to be very aware of your surroundings. Your traps can be used to control the enemy team’s movement, and you need to be sure to place them in strategic locations. In addition, you need to be careful of your own positioning. Teemo is very squishy, and he can be easily killed if he is caught out of position.
Overall, Teemo is a very strong champion early game. He has the ability to deal a lot of damage and control the battlefield with his traps. If you play him correctly, you should be able to win most of your lane matchups.
How To Play Teemo Late Game
Teemo is a unique champion in League of Legends. He has the ability to deal massive amounts of damage with his auto-attacks, and he can also use his mushrooms to control the battlefield. In the late game, Teemo can be a very powerful force if played correctly. Here are some tips on how to play Teemo in the late game:
1. Use your auto-attacks wisely. Teemo’s auto-attacks deal a lot of damage, so you should use them when you know you can get a kill. Try to position yourself behind enemy lines and pick off isolated targets.
2. Place your mushrooms carefully. Teemo’s mushrooms can be used to control the battlefield. Place them in strategic locations such as choke points and around objectives.
3. Stay aware of your surroundings. Teemo is very vulnerable to being ganked. Always be aware of where the enemy team is and try to stay in safe areas.
4. Use your ultimate wisely. Teemo’s ultimate can be used to deal a lot of damage to enemies, but it can also be used to escape dangerous situations. Use it when you know you can get a kill or when you need to get away from enemies.
5. Focus on objectives. In the late game, the objective is usually to take down the enemy’s base. Teemo can be very effective at taking down towers and inhibitors. Focus your efforts on taking down these objectives.
How To Team Fight With Teemo
When it comes to team fighting with Teemo, there are a few things you need to keep in mind. First and foremost, Teemo is incredibly squishy and will go down quickly if focused. As such, it’s important to try and position him behind your tankiest members or keep him near an escape route. Secondly, Teemo’s main form of damage is poison, which means he excels at kiting and picking off low health targets. Finally, Teemo’s ultimate, Noxious Trap, can be used to great effect in team fights, providing vision and dealing massive damage to anyone who steps on it.
When engaging in a team fight with Teemo, the first thing you should do is place a Noxious Trap behind the enemy team. This will provide you with vision of their movements and allow you to pick off any stragglers. Next, start kiting the enemy team with your poison, dealing as much damage as possible. Be sure to stay behind your teammates and avoid being focused yourself. If the enemy team starts to focus you down, use your Move Quick ability to escape. Finally, if the opportunity presents itself, use your Toxic Shot to take out low health targets.
If you enjoyed reading How To Carry With Teemo please consider dropping me a cheer below I would appreciate it. Hopefully you were able to learn something new or a lot to start playing this champion. As always if you have no experience with him I recommend you start with some normal/draft practice games and once you are comfortable then hop on to ranked games with him. No matter what I promise he’s a lot of fun to play.
You can find more about Teemo here:
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