
We will go over How To Carry With Draven. Draven has been one of my go-to ADC champions in season 12 and I believe I will continue playing him in season 13. Today we will cover everything you need to know such as skill matchups, easy and difficult ones how he performs during the late and early games along with his team fighting capabilities.
If you haven’t played him and would like to take him up this is the guide for you. If you are a bit more advanced with Draven already then you may pick up a few things here and there from my experience playing him. Note I’m currently platinum 3 so everything you read here is up to that elo.
Easiest Draven Matchups
Draven is one of the easiest champions to play in the game. His kit is designed to deal massive amounts of damage, and he has a lot of tools to help him do so. He is also one of the most mobile champions in the game, which makes him very difficult to catch. In terms of matchups, Draven excels against most champions. However, there are a few champions that can give him some trouble.
- The first champion that Draven counters is Jhin. Jhin is a very mobile champion himself, and he has a lot of ways to kite and avoid Draven’s damage. Jhin also has a lot of burst damage, which can be difficult for Draven to deal with but he can outdamage him if played properly.
- The second champion that Draven has an edge on Vayne. Vayne is another highly mobile champion, and she has a lot of ways to kite and avoid Draven’s damage. At most stages of the game Draven has an edge and even in late game it’s not a clear cut who will win.
- The third champion that is easy for Draven is Ashe. Ashe is a very static champion, and she doesn’t have a lot of ways to avoid Draven’s damage. Ashe also has a lot of burst damage, which can be difficult for Draven to deal with but eventually a good Draven if built properly outscales her.
Overall, Draven is a very strong champion who excels against most champions. However, there are a few champions that can give him some trouble. Jhin, Vayne, and Ashe are all mobile champions with a lot of burst damage. These champions can be difficult for Draven to deal with, but he is still a very strong champion.
Hardest Draven Matchups
There are a few Draven matchups that can be considered difficult, but I think the hardest one has to be against Vayne. Vayne is incredibly mobile and has a lot of burst potential, which can be difficult for Draven to deal with. Additionally, Vayne’s kit allows her to kite and avoid a lot of Draven’s damage, which can make it difficult for him to get kills. Again Vayne is a two edge sword she can be the easiest and hardest matchup that’s why I’m listing her in both places. Generally Draven does not have any countrs as he’s a strong champion through out all levels. Early on he’s a bully and late game he still does a lot of damage to one shot squishes.
Carry With Draven Low Elo
Draven is one of the most unique and interesting champions in League of Legends. His kit is designed around his passive, which allows him to catch and throw his axes, and his ultimate, which summons a huge number of them to rain down on his enemies. This makes him a very mobile and dangerous champion, especially in the early game.
However, Draven’s high skill cap and reliance on his axes make him a very difficult champion to play, especially in the lower elos. This is because his axes are very easy to miss, and if he does not catch them, he will not be able to do much damage. In addition, Draven’s ultimate is very hard to control, and can often result in him wasting it or not being able to use it effectively.
Because of these reasons, Draven is often not considered a low elo champion. However, I believe that he is actually a very strong champion in the right hands. I think that with practice, anyone can learn to play Draven well, and he can be a very powerful asset to any team.
Carry With Draven High Elo
Draven is one of the most popular champions in League of Legends, and it’s not hard to see why. He’s got a great kit that allows him to deal a ton of damage, he’s got a fantastic ultimate that can easily turn the tide of a teamfight, and he’s got one of the best skins in the game.
But what makes Draven truly special is his high elo play. In the hands of a skilled player, Draven can be absolutely devastating, and he’s often the difference between a win and a loss.
If you’re looking to carry your team to victory, then you need to learn how to play Draven at a high level. Luckily, we’ve got you covered.
In this guide, we’ll teach you everything you need to know about playing Draven at a high elo. We’ll cover his strengths, his weaknesses, and how to take advantage of both. We’ll also give you some tips on how to play him in different situations, and how to counter some of the most popular strategies against him.
The one thing you need to be careful in high elo is that the supports will predict where your axes land and will be able to CC you based on that. To avoid this just try to be a bit more random when you decide to use them again or just hold into them. This can be particularly difficult especially if you are trying to farm at the same time.
So, if you’re ready to learn how to play Draven like a pro, then let’s get started.
How To Play Draven Early Game
Draven is a high-risk, high-reward ADC who excels at taking down enemies quickly. He has a unique playstyle that revolves around his Q, “Spinning Axe”, which allows him to deal extra damage and heal himself if he catches the axe. Draven’s high damage output and self-healing make him a strong early game presence, but he can be easily shut down by opponents who know how to play against him.
The key to playing Draven early game is to make use of his Q, “Spinning Axe”. This ability allows Draven to deal extra damage and heal himself if he catches the axe. Draven’s high damage output and self-healing make him a strong early game presence, but he can be easily shut down by opponents who know how to play against him.
To maximize your damage output with Q, you should always try to catch the axe when it returns to you. This will not only deal extra damage, but also heal you for a percentage of the damage dealt. In addition, you should try to position yourself in such a way that you can hit multiple targets with your Q. This will allow you to quickly take down enemy minions and heroes alike.
However, you need to be careful when using Q, as it can easily be interrupted by enemy abilities. If you are caught off guard, you will not only miss out on the extra damage and healing, but you will also put yourself in a dangerous position. As such, you need to be always aware of your surroundings and be ready to dodge or block enemy abilities.
In general, Draven is a strong early-game presence who can quickly take down enemies. However, he can be easily shut down by opponents who know how to play against him. As such, you need to be always aware of your surroundings and be ready to dodge or block enemy abilities. If played correctly, Draven can easily take down even the most formidable of opponents.
How To Play Draven Late Game
Draven is a high-damage ADC who excels at taking down enemies quickly. In order to play him effectively late game, you need to be able to kite well and position yourself correctly.
When playing Draven late game, always try to stay on the outskirts of fights. You want to be close enough to deal damage, but not so close that you get focused down. Use your Q and E to kite around enemies and avoid getting hit. If you can land your Q’s, you’ll be able to do a lot of damage.
Positioning is key with Draven. You need to be able to hit enemies while avoiding being hit yourself. Always try to stay behind your team’s front line. This way, you can deal damage without being in danger. If you can, try to position yourself so that you can hit multiple enemies with your Q.
Always keep an eye on your enemies’ positioning. If they’re bunched up, you can use your ult to deal a lot of damage. If they’re spread out, you can use your Q to pick them off one by one.
Draven is a high-damage ADC who excels at taking down enemies quickly. In order to play him effectively late game, you need to be able to kite well and position yourself correctly. By following these tips, you’ll be able to dominate late game as Draven.
Make sure you build the right runes and items so you can scale on late game too!
How To Team Fight With Draven
Draven is an incredibly strong champion and is often a deciding factor in team fights. Here are some tips on how to team fight with Draven:
1. Draven’s Q, Blood Rush, gives him a huge movement speed boost and allows him to auto-attack much faster. Use this to your advantage by kiting enemy champions and hitting them with as many auto-attacks as possible.
2. Draven’s W, Stand Aside, is a great tool for both initiating and escaping team fights. Use it to knock enemies into your teammates or to create an escape route for yourself.
3. Draven’s E, Whirling Death, is a powerful AoE ability that can easily take down multiple enemies. Try to use it when there are clustered groups of enemies or when you know you can get a kill with it.
4. Draven’s ultimate, R, Massacre, is an incredibly powerful ability that can easily turn the tide of a team fight. Try to use it when there are multiple enemies grouped up or when you can get a multi-kill with it.
Use all the abilities in any combo you think is best on the situation no matter what though be careful of your positioning as you can die easily.
If you enjoyed reading How To Carry With Draven please consider dropping me a cheer below I would appreciate it. Hopefully, you were able to learn something new or a lot to start playing this champion. As always if you have no experience with him I recommend you start with some normal/draft practice games and once you are comfortable then hop on to ranked games with him. No matter what I promise he’s a lot of fun to play.
You can find more about Draven here:
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