
Today we will cover the Best LOL AP Tanks. Who doesn’t like a tank that also deals damage? In this meta, Season 13 is coming up quickly and everything points to things changing radically and bringing back the tanks into the game. This means that you need to be aware of some good tank champions. In this article we will cover specifically the best AP Tanks that you can play to increase your chances on winning.
Best LOL AP Tanks: A Comprehensive Guide
There are many different types of tanks in League of Legends, each with their own unique strengths and weaknesses. In this article, we will be focusing on the best LOL AP tanks. These are the champions that excel at being both tanky and dealing a lot of damage.
One of the best LOL AP tanks is Maokai. He has a kit that is designed to allow him to survive in fights and also deal a lot of damage. His Q ability, Sapling Toss, does a lot of damage and can also be used to root enemies in place. His W, Twisted APvance, lets him close the gap on enemies or escape from them. His E, Arcane Smash, does a decent amount of damage and also knocks enemies back. Finally, his ultimate, Vengeful Maelstrom, does a massive amount of damage and also protects him from damage. Maokai is a great all-around tank and can be played in a variety of ways.
Another great LOL AP tank is Mundo. He has high health and can regenerate health quickly with his Q, Infected Cleaver. His W, Burning Agony, does a lot of damage over time and can also be used to slow enemies down. His E, Masochism, increases his damage output for a short period of time. And his ultimate, SAPism, heals him for a large amount and also increases his movement speed. Mundo is a great tank to pick if you want someone who can survive in fights and also deal a lot of damage.
Finally, we have Volibear. He is a tank that is designed to be very aggressive. His Q, Rolling Thunder, does a lot of damage and also gives him a movement speed boost. His W, Frenzied Maul, does even more damage and also stuns enemies. His E, Majestic Roar, reduces the damage enemies deal to him and also slows them down. And his ultimate, Thunder Claws, does a massive amount of damage and also shocks enemies. Volibear is a great tank to pick if you want someone who is very aggressive and can deal a lot of damage.
These are just a few of the best LOL AP tanks. There are many other great tanks in League of Legends, but these are the ones that excel at being both tanky and dealing a lot of damage.
Probably one of the best AP and utility tanks in the game. Ornn can offer his team great potential including upgrading their items giving everyone a spike in late game. All things considered you cannot go wrong with Ornn I think he’s a safe pick and it’s very hard to counter him. Furthermore his great kit gives him an AOE CC in late game and at the same time allows him to peel for his team without dying. Be careful on the early stages of the game and make use of his passive to buy items without having to base back. He is particularly vulnerable to ranged champions such as Vayne, Corki, Lucian, Quinn and other ranged top laners.
The Best LOL AP Tank for Each Situation
There are many different types of LOL AP tanks, each with their own unique strengths and weaknesses. Depending on the situation, some LOL AP tanks may be better than others.
In a general sense, the best LOL AP tank is one that can survive a lot of damage while dishing out plenty of damage in return. This makes champions like Maokai, Mundo, and Ornn very strong choices. However, there are also situations where a tank like Singed or Amumu may be a better choice.
It really depends on the situation and what the enemy team is composed of. If the enemy team has a lot of physical damage dealers, then a tank like Maokai or Mundo may be a better choice. If the enemy team has a lot of magic damage dealers, then a tank like Singed or Amumu may be a better choice.
Ultimately, it is up to the player to decide which LOL AP tank is best for each situation.
How to Build the Best LOL AP Tank
There are a few key things you need to do if you want to build the best LOL AP tank.
- First, you need to make sure you have a strong early game. This means you need to get as much farm as possible and try to get kills when you can. However, don’t be too aggressive as you still need to be able to survive against the enemy team’s damage.
- Second, you need to build items that will help you survive against enemy damage. This means building items like armor and health. You also want to build items that will give you some extra damage, like a BlAPe of the Ruined King.
- Third, you need to play smart. This means knowing when to engage and when to back off. You also need to know how to kite enemies and use your abilities to your APvantage.
- Adjust your build if needed based on who the enemy team is carrying. Ensure that you are monitoring their items and if they start buying magic resist or armor go for higher health to boost your stats if necessary.
- Fourth, you need to be a good team player. This means being able to communicate with your team and working together to win.
- Fifth you are a tank but you are not unkillable know when you swift in and out of the team fight. As a tank you generally regenerate your health fairly easily so do that without hesitation and you won’t regret it. Most importantly don’t just go in if no one is following you as you will end up dead fairly fast.
Following these tips should help you build the best LOL AP tank.
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