
We will go over the Best LOL Mid Lane AP Champions.
I have been playing mid lane since season 6 as my main account and currently rank as Platinum 3 which I believe gives me a good understanding on the role and how this has evolved in Season 12 and 13.
Keep in mind that all mages are good and they are split into different categories such as:
- Control Mages
- One shot Mages
- DPS Mages
In this guide we will cover all of them but more specifically we will focus on the best ones that are in the meta.
5 Best LOL Champions for Mid Game
There are a lot of different champions that can be played in the mid-lane in League of Legends. Here are five of the best champions for mid-game:
1. Ahri
Ahri is a very versatile champion that can be played in a lot of different ways. She has a strong kit that allows her to easily take down enemies.
I believe Ahri has the most balanced mid-laner kit. Her abilities are all based to work very well and synergistically can combo in many ways. Also she’s very balanced meaning she’s strong early, mid and slightly falls in late game. Furthermore, Ahri is one of the few champions that can gap close 3 times with her ultimate allowing her to get into the even most passive and back-playing squishes. The list of reasons I believe Ahri is one of the best Mid laners are the following:
- Gap closing using her ultimate
- Balanced power throughout the game
- Good damage output if you combo properly
- CC ability can allow her team and herself to engage or disengage
2. Syndra
Syndra is another champion that is very versatile and can be played in a lot of different ways. She has a strong kit that allows her to easily take down enemies. Her rework in Season 12 made her extremely well scaling but she can also do pretty well on the early game. Just keep in mind that it’s very likely you will run into mana issues so be careful until you hit Level 11 onwards. I currently recommend her for her versatile kit which has the things I think are good:
- One shot potential with her ulti
- CC with her E ability (can be AOE if done properly)
- Distance creation from assassins again using her E
3. Orianna
Orianna is a very strategic champion that requires a lot of planning and thought to play well. She has a strong kit that can easily take down enemies if used correctly. She has always been the most balanced mid-laner in League and has been played in pro play a lot. Her kit is extremely strong in team fights but can also act as protection to specific champions such as your carry. In season 12 she has fallen a bit out of meta with the changes done to the items but I believe she will come back strong in Season 13 with all the changes they are planning. The reasons I consider her strong are the following:
- Very good CC with her ultimate
- Good shielding to avoid one-shots, especially if combined with a barrier
- Balanced scaling and early game potential to poke down
- Relatively safe positioning as her abilities have a good range
4. Sylas
Sylas is a very dangerous champion that can easily take down enemies if used correctly. He has a strong kit that allows him to easily take down enemies. He has always been in meta and no one can deny his early power. If you mid-position he can basically kill you as his damage output early in the game is very high. To make things even better Sylas has a decent scaling lately if you get the right runes and items. One thing to be careful with Sylas is that he has a lot of counters that he can’t do much about and will probably rely on roaming. The reasons I consider Sylas a strong mid-laner are the following:
- Very good kill potential
- Almost immune to ganks because of his E ability
- Gap closer can get on top of squishes and avoid any CC with his ultimate
- Good roaming potential so he can push his early advantage to other lanes and have a map impact
5. Diana
Diana is a very aggressive champion that can easily take down enemies if used correctly. She has a strong kit that allows her to easily take down enemies. Similar to Sylas Diana has a very strong kill potential but in this case in mid-game. Furthermore, she’s also a very good counter to assassins due to her shield and hard defense stats. Additionally since Season 12 and I’m sure it will carry on Season 13 she has a few tank items she can buy and still do fairly well making her even stronger. Here are some reasons I consider Diana a good mid laner:
- Good engage that can CC multiple champions and do a lot of damage
- Gap closer can get on top of squishes easily
- Tankyness that counters a lot of mid laners and can survive all-ins then turn around and kill you
- Good team fight due to her ultimate and shield
The 5 Most Important Factors to Consider When Picking a Mid Game Champion
There are a few factors to consider when picking a mid-game champion. Let’s go over the list below:
- The first and most important factor is the enemy team’s composition. You need to make sure that your champion can deal with the enemy team’s champions. If the enemy team has a lot of physical damage, you need to pick a champion that can either deal a lot of physical damage or has a lot of health. If the enemy team has a lot of magic damage, you need to pick a champion that can either deal a lot of magic damage or has a lot of magic resistance.
- The second factor to consider is your team’s composition. You need to make sure that your champion works well with your team’s champions. If your team has a lot of physical damage, you need to pick a champion that can either deal a lot of physical damage or has a lot of health. If your team has a lot of magic damage, you need to pick a champion that can either deal a lot of magic damage or has a lot of magic resistance.
- The third factor to consider is the map. You need to make sure that your champion is good on the map that you are playing on. If you are playing on a small map, you need to pick a champion that can get around the map quickly. If you are playing on a large map, you need to pick a champion that can either deal a lot of damage or has a lot of health.
- The fourth factor to consider is the game mode. You need to make sure that your champion is good in the game mode that you are playing. If you are playing in a mode where there is a lot of fighting, you need to pick a champion that can either deal a lot of damage or has a lot of health. If you are playing in a mode where there is not a lot of fighting, you need to pick a champion that can get around the map quickly.
- The fifth and final factor to consider is your own personal preference. You need to make sure that you are comfortable playing the champion that you are picking. If you are not comfortable playing the champion, you will not be able to play to the best of your abilities.
How to Win More Games by Picking the Right Mid-Lane Champion
There’s no one-size-fits-all answer to this question, as the best mid-lane champion for you to pick will vary depending on the situation you’re in and the enemy team’s composition. However, there are a few key things to keep in mind that will help you win more games by picking the right mid-lane champion.
- First, consider what your team needs in order to be successful. If you’re behind, you’ll need a champion that can make a comeback happen. If you’re ahead, you’ll want a champion that can help you close out the game. In either case, you’ll want to avoid picking a champion that falls off in the late game, as that will only give the enemy team a chance to come back.
- Second, take into account the enemy team’s composition. If they have a lot of magic damage, you’ll want to pick a champion with good magic resistance. If they have a lot of physical damage, you’ll want to pick a champion with good armor. Knowing what type of damage the enemy team is focusing on will help you choose a mid game champion that can survive and thrive in that environment.
- Finally, don’t be afraid to experiment. The best way to learn what works and what doesn’t is to try different things out. So if you’re not sure which mid game champion to pick, try a few different ones and see how they work for you. With a little practice, you’ll be able to figure out which champions are the best for your playstyle and the current game situation.
5 Tips for Picking the Best Mid Lane Champion Every Time
There are a few key things to keep in mind when picking a mid-game champion. Here are five tips to help you make the best choice every time:
1. Know your team’s strengths and weaknesses
You need to be aware of what your team is good at and what they struggle with. This will help you choose a champion that can take advantage of the enemy team’s weaknesses.
2. Consider the enemy team’s composition
Think about what champions the enemy team has and how they might interact with your chosen champion. You want to pick a champion that can easily take down the enemy team’s carries.
3. Pay attention to the map
Be aware of where your team is and where the enemy team is. This will help you choose a champion that can easily get to the enemy team’s base and take them down.
4. Think about your team’s overall strategy
You need to be on the same page as your team when it comes to strategy. If you’re not, you could end up picking a champion that doesn’t fit well with what your team is trying to do.
5. Trust your gut
If you’re ever unsure about which champion to pick, trust your instincts. You likely have a good reason for feeling that way and it could help you win the game.
If you enjoyed Best LOL Mid Lane AP Champions please consider dropping me a cheer below I would really appreciate it.
Which is your favorite Mid lane champion?
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You can find references on the champions mentioned earlier here: