Who is the Safest ADC

Introduction Are you new to playing ADCs? Whatever the reason it’s always good to examine which champions are good at what in every lane, in the case of ADCs a common complaint from players is that they feel like they die too easily. To help players with this issue we compiled a pretty comprehensive list

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Is it Ok to be a One Trick in League

Introduction You have probably heard the phrase “One Trick” in League of Legends, but do you really know what a One Trick is in League? There is more nuance to this than one would think at first. In this article, we’re going to break down all there is to know about One Tricking, We’ll talk

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What is FPS vs Ping

Introduction If you’re suffering from low FPS or high ping, then you know how frustrating it can be to want to enjoy your favorite game but facing constant issues like stuttering, input lag, crashes and so on. These issues are not that uncommon and there are a bunch of common problems that happen to everyone

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Is Ezreal Hard To Play

One of the most common questions asked by beginners and people coming back into the game is this one. Is Ezreal hard to play? I would say yes, he is quite a hard champion to play and there are multiple reasons why that is the case. In this article we’re going to talk about why

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