Is it Too Late to Play League of Legends in 2023

Is it Too Late to Play League of Legends in 2023


League of Legends (LoL) has established itself as one of the more popular multiplayer online battle arena (MOBA) games since its release in 2009. With its immersive gameplay, strategic depth, and a thriving community, LoL has captivated millions of players worldwide. However, as we enter 2023, a question arises: Is it too late to play League of Legends in 2023?

In this article, we will explore the current state of League of Legends and whether or not it remains accessible and enjoyable for newcomers. Despite being over a decade old, the game continues to attract a growing player base, offering a diverse community and a range of skill levels. We will delve into the learning curve associated with LoL, the availability of resources for new players, and the competitive scene that awaits those who dare to enter.

So, if you’ve been contemplating joining the ranks of Summoners on the Fields of Justice, fear not. We will examine whether it truly is too late to embark on this epic gaming journey in 2023. Let’s dive in and discover the world of League of Legends together.

The Current State of League of Legends

League of Legends is currently one of the most popular MOBAs in the world, and depending on which country we’re talking about, it might even be the most popular game full stop in some countries. And while the game is not as dominant as it once was it is still extremely popular, drawing millions of players in all continents to play ranked and normal games every single day, you won’t struggle to find matches no matter where you live.

We have to really emphasize the crazy amount of people playing, because the game is free and the system requirements are so low, League of Legends can be played by anyone with a internet connection and a computer from the last decade at least.

This makes League have an edge versus other newer games that require you to have a much more powerful computer.

Besides the massive player base, the game is constantly receiving updates, with new champions and game modes being developed every single year. Even the most experienced players must always keep up to date to be at the top but this also makes the game very accessible as everyone must constantly practice and study patches to be competitive. But even if you don’t want to climb the ranks there are plenty of casual game modes like ARAM and normal to keep you interested.

The Learning Curve

League of Legends boasts a deep and intricate gameplay experience, which can be both exciting and daunting for new players. The learning curve associated with the game is often a topic of concern for those considering joining the community. However, it’s important to note that while LoL may have a steep learning curve, it is by no means insurmountable and it is not too late to play League of Legends in 2023.

When starting out, new players may find themselves overwhelmed by the vast array of champions, abilities, items, and strategies to learn. Understanding the mechanics of the game, such as last-hitting minions, map awareness, and team coordination, can take time and practice. However, it’s important to remember that every player, even the most skilled veterans, started from the same point of being a beginner.

Fortunately, there are numerous resources available to help new players navigate the learning process. The official League of Legends website provides comprehensive tutorials and guides that cover the basics of gameplay, champion abilities, and itemization. Additionally, there are countless community-created guides, YouTube channels, and online forums dedicated to helping players improve their skills.

One of the best ways to learn and improve in League of Legends is through practice. As with any skill, the more time and effort you invest, the better you will become. Embracing a growth mindset and being open to learning from mistakes is crucial. Don’t be discouraged by initial setbacks or losses; instead, view them as opportunities for growth and improvement.

Furthermore, the game features a matchmaking system that aims to pair players of similar skill levels together. This means that as a new player, you will often find yourself playing alongside and against others who are also learning the game. This creates a supportive environment where you can learn and grow together with fellow beginners.

The Competitive Scene

Competitive Scene

League of Legends has developed a thriving competitive scene that has captivated players and spectators alike. From pro leagues to amateur tournaments, the game offers a wide range of opportunities for players to test their skills and compete against others.

At the pinnacle of the competitive scene are the professional leagues, such as the League of Legends Championship Series (LCS) and the League of Legends European Championship (LEC). These leagues feature the best players from around the world, competing in high-stakes matches for glory, prize money, and the chance to represent their region on the international stage. Watching these matches can be an exhilarating experience, showcasing the highest level of gameplay and strategic teamwork.

While the professional scene may seem intimidating for new players, it’s important to remember that it represents only a small fraction of the overall player base. The majority of players engage in the game’s ranked mode, where they can climb the ladder and compete against others of similar skill levels. This provides a more accessible and relatable competitive experience for players who are still honing their skills.

Additionally, there are numerous amateur leagues, tournaments, and community-driven events that cater to players of all skill levels. These events offer a chance for aspiring competitors to showcase their abilities, form teams, and compete in a more grassroots setting. Participating in these tournaments can be a great way to gain experience, meet like-minded players, and potentially even earn recognition within the community.

While it’s true that competing against experienced players can be challenging, it’s important to view it as an opportunity for growth. Playing against more skilled opponents can push you to learn new strategies, and refine your gameplay. With dedication and perseverance, you can steadily climb the ranks and achieve your own personal goals within the competitive scene.

The Enjoyment Factor

The Enjoyment Factor

One of the key reasons why League of Legends has remained popular over the years is the sheer enjoyment it offers to players. Regardless of skill level or experience, the game provides a captivating and immersive experience that keeps players coming back for more.

One of the primary sources of enjoyment in League of Legends is the sense of accomplishment that comes from mastering a champion or executing a well-coordinated team play. Landing a perfectly timed ultimate ability, outplaying opponents in a high-stakes duel, or making a game-changing strategic decision can create moments of exhilaration and satisfaction.

Furthermore, League of Legends is a highly social game that encourages players to connect and collaborate with others. Playing with friends or joining online communities allows for shared experiences, teamwork, and friendly competition. The bonds formed through the game can lead to lasting friendships and a sense of belonging within the community.

The game also offers a variety of modes and gameplay experiences to cater to different preferences. Whether you enjoy the fast-paced action of Summoner’s Rift, the chaotic team fights of ARAM, or the unique challenges of rotating game modes, there is something for everyone. This variety ensures that players can find enjoyment in different aspects of the game and explore different playstyles.

League of Legends features a visually stunning and constantly evolving world. The intricate character designs, vibrant landscapes, and immersive lore contribute to the overall enjoyment of the game. Exploring the lore, unlocking new champions, and experiencing the ever-changing updates and events can add depth and excitement to the gameplay experience.

This game also offers a platform for personal growth and self-improvement. As players progress and develop their skills, they gain a sense of achievement and personal growth. The game rewards dedication, perseverance, and a willingness to learn, allowing players to see tangible progress in their abilities over time.


In conclusion, the enjoyment factor in League of Legends is multifaceted. Whether it’s the thrill of mastering a champion, the social connections formed, the variety of gameplay experiences, the visually stunning world, or the personal growth achieved, the game offers a wealth of enjoyment for players of all backgrounds. So, whether you’re a seasoned player or just starting out, there is plenty to discover and enjoy in the world of League of Legends.



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