
Today we will cover the Best LOL Early Game Champions.
In this article I’m going to cover some early game champions that do well in the early game. Furthermore we will go over what makes a good early game champion and how that fits into the current meta.
Closing I will give you some hints on how to utilize those early game champions better in your game so you can lock in the win early and avoid prolonging the game.
What Makes a Good Early Game Champion?
There are a few key things that make a good early game champion.
- Firstly, they need to have strong lane control and be able to bully their opponents. This means having a good mix of damage and crowd control abilities. Secondly, they need to be able to quickly and easily take down towers. This requires a combination of high damage and good waveclear. Lastly, they need to have good mobility so they can rotate around the map and pressure objectives.
- A good early game champion needs to be able to dominate their lane and set the pace of the game. They should have a good mix of damage and crowd control abilities so they can easily take down opponents. They should also be able to quickly and easily take down towers. Lastly, they need to have good mobility so they can rotate around the map and pressure objectives.
- They should have good base stats that do well and provide an immediate burst of damage when needed
- They should be able to execute their burst easily if a jungle comes to help which means having some form of further CC or a gap closer to reach the enemy faster without giving out too much that a gank is incoming.
How To Identify A Good Early Game Champion
Since the meta in league of legends is constantly shifting and the power spike of champions changes over time you should have a good framework on how to identify good early game champions. Below I’m going to give you a list of the ideas I follow to lock some down.
- See what the pro’s are playing this is always good because they are well researched in advance for you
- Go to websites that provide statistics on champions such as and see what champions have a high win rate that you may consider early champions.
- See in the past which early game champions did well and then see if they fit in the current meta
- Find if the current early items synnergize well with the champion pool you have identified as early champions
- Go by experience of your own games, when you see someone snowballing early easily remember that champion and start using him yourself by mimicking their build and play style.
Hope this list helps you identify early game champions in LOL.
The Best Early Game Champions in LOL
There are a lot of different champions in League of Legends, and it can be hard to decide who to play. If you’re just starting out, you might be wondering which champions are the best to pick. Here are the top five early game champions in LOL.
1. Ashe – Ashe is a great early game champion because she has a lot of damage and can easily take down enemies. She’s also a good choice if you’re new to the game, as she’s relatively easy to play.
2. Darius – He’s basically one of the best top laners early and can win pretty much most duels without any issues. Do worry though because his scaling is not that good. The reason Darius is so good early game is because of his passive ability that adds a bleed with every hit or ability he lands on the enemy.
3. Master Yi – Master Yi is a great early game champion because he’s incredibly fast and can easily take down enemies. He’s also a good choice if you’re new to the game, as he’s relatively easy to play and his q ability goes down for every auto he does. Furthermore if you are invading Yi is good because with his Q he can follow people that try to flash out or escape.
4. Tryndamere – Tryndamere is a great early game champion because he’s got a lot of damage and can easily take down enemies. He’s also a good choice if you’re new to the game, as he’s relatively easy to play. He has one of the best level 1’s because he can crit an enemy champion with an auto attack. Furthermore his E gap closer is like a flash that also does damage so he can be pretty stick on you and you may not have a way to escape him.
5. Lee Sin – Lee Sin is one of those early snowballing junglers that basically are almost impossible to stop. He does take some skill to master as he’s not an easy champion to pull off but given time and practice he will pay dividends. His kit is designed for the early game and for snowballing.
6. Shaco – Similar to Lee Sin, Shaco is one of those champions that can easily cheese gank you early game. If you are not careful and you over extend he can come in your lane and since he hits level 2-3 very fast (faster than most champions) along with the ignite that he usually takes his burst could be too much for you to survive. If you are a squishy mage in mid lane be particulrarly worried about him.
7. Talon – Talon is one of the best champions at his level 3 burst. He’s actually known for it as it combines a lot of damage along with a gap closing ability and his bleed passive. Since he can jump on top of you in no time you better position very well in lane otherwise you will probably end up dead.
8. Zed – Similar to Talon, Zed has a very good burst damage early in the game. If you position incorrectly he can quickly take you to very low HP and in the next opportunity kill you right off. What makes Zed good as an early champion is the high base damage, the gap closer (his W) and two high damage abilities if landed Q and E. Since Zed actually requires you to land your skillshots he’s not as easy to pull off like Talon.
How to Choose an Early Game Champion
There are a few things to consider when choosing an early game champion in League of Legends. The first is what role you want to play. There are five roles in League of Legends: top lane, jungle, mid lane, ADC, and support. Each role has its own set of responsibilities and each one requires a different type of champion. For example, top lane champions are usually tanky melee champions that can take a lot of damage and survive in fights. Mid lane champions are typically mages or assassins that deal a lot of damage but are very fragile. ADC champions are marksmen that deal consistent damage from afar but are very vulnerable up close. Support champions are usually tanky champions that provide utility and protection for their team.
The second thing to consider is what your team needs. If your team already has a lot of damage dealers, you might want to choose a tanky champion that can soak up damage and protect them. If your team is lacking in damage, you might want to choose a champion that deals a lot of damage. It’s important to think about what your team needs in order to be successful.
The third thing to consider is what the enemy team is composition. If the enemy team has a lot of tanky champions, you might want to choose a champion that can deal a lot of damage. If the enemy team has a lot of damage dealers, you might want to choose a tanky champion that can soak up damage and protect your team. It’s important to know what the enemy team’s composition is so you can make the best decision for your team.
Once you’ve considered all of these things, you can pick one of the champions I listed above or use the research method I described to identify your own best early game champion. Do note with the customization of runes these days you can basically make a lot of champions work well in early game. Just keep in mind that once you do this via the rune route expect to be weaker in late game.
I hope you enjoyed reading Best LOL Early Game Champions. I have used a lot of the ones mentioned here in the past successfully and have been able to make a huge impact in the map. Always remember what works for me may not work for you so take the time and experiment without affecting other people in normal draft games. This way you will increase your confidence and see what works well for you too. If you already know some of these champions or they are in your champion pool go ahead and experiment more with their builds to fine tune for early spikes and pick the early runes too.
Which is your favorite early game champion?
Mine is basically Zed. I have always played him and I enjoy his playstyle. I find Zed is very good because he has a balanced kit and does well in various situations. If you are not careful though you may get punished pretty hard so practice, practice to get where you want to be.
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Some of the champions I mentioned above can be found here: