In the always changing world of League of Legends, certain champions stand out amongst the others for their unique playstyles and complicated mechanics. Azir is one of these difficult champions and some people even go as far as saying that he is the most difficult champion to play, but is this true?
With so many difficult and complicated champions a lot of people might think Azir is “not that hard” but most top players don’t believe that. And while his mechanics are difficult, they are not what makes him hard, it’s the combination of a mage and ADC playstyle that makes him the ultimate glass cannon.
Besides the gameplay implications we will also touch on the competitive aspect of why Azir is the way he is. Afterall he is a staple competitive pick for a reason, and that heavily impacts how he plays.
In this article we’re going to learn about Azir’s playstyle, his strengths and weakness and why he might be considered by many to be one of the most difficult champions to play.
About Azir

Azir is considered a hard champion for several reasons. Firstly, his kit is complex and requires good mechanical skills to fully utilize. His abilities, such as his passive (Shurima’s Legacy), his Q (Conquering Sands), and his W (Arise!), require precise positioning and timing to maximize their effectiveness.
Secondly, Azir heavily relies on managing his soldiers, which can be challenging. His soldiers are summoned by his W ability and are used to deal damage and control the battlefield. Properly positioning and maneuvering these soldiers to attack enemies and protect yourself requires good micro-management and decision-making.
Furthermore, Azir’s ultimate ability (Emperor’s Divide) can be difficult to use effectively. It creates a wall that knocks back enemies and can be used for both offensive and defensive purposes. Knowing when and where to use this ability to separate enemies or protect your team requires good game sense and awareness.
Lastly, Azir’s playstyle is more focused on the late game. He requires time to scale and reach his full potential, which means he can be vulnerable in the early stages of the game. This requires players to have good macro-strategy and map awareness to survive and farm safely until they become stronger.
Overall, Azir’s complexity, reliance on micro-management, and late-game scaling make him a challenging champion to master. However, with practice and experience, players can unlock his full potential and dominate the battlefield.
Azir’s History
This champion’s playstyle has been a point of contention for years. Some people saw him as just another pro-play only champion, while some people could climb ranked with him, the vast majority of players couldn’t and that’s why Riot even came out with a poll to decide if players wanted to keep his playstyle which included the “Shurima Shuffle” and offered him mobility, damage and control but it put the Azir player at risk of getting killed in close range or to just turn him into a long-range mage like Xerath or Lux.
Back then in season 7, the community voted to keep the shuffle and so Azir has remained in a very similar state ever since his release. He has long periods where he is strong in the pro-scene but most of the time, he is just viable.
Azir hasn’t ever been “meta” he has pretty much always had a sub 48%-win rate no matter what. So a lot people don’t even know how he works.
Azir’s Playstyle

The easiest way to describe Azir is to think about him as an ADC that uses AP items instead of AD. He requires players to have great positioning and decision making to succeed.
Player’s who become impatient and don’t wait for enemy cooldowns to be used will die first in most team fights and feed a fortune to the enemy team, this coupled with Azir’s minuscule defensive stats like Armor and Magic Resist make him extremely difficult to play.
For those who have experience playing ADC, playing Azir can feel somewhat familiar, even his weakness to mages is shared with those champions.
Azir’s kit scales like almost no other champion in the game, you can expect most games in which you get 6 slotted to have a significant advantage, in these games you will become the main carry sometimes, even ahead of your ADC.
Being patient is extremely important for all Azir players, while you can be quite aggressive in certain matchups before level 6, the reality is that the midgame is going to be a critical point of the game for you. Any mistakes here will delay your potential game-winning power spike.
Azir’s Role in a Team
As we mentioned in the previous section, most of the time mid players are expected to do a lot of damage in the match, but with Azir it’s different. In this case Azir can easily become the team’s main carry and take over the game with proper support.
In these cases, it might be even beneficial for the allied ADC to take a secondary role or even a supportive role in the team instead of the usual role ADCs play.
This can be a problem sometimes, specially when you’re facing a mage with some mobility in the midlane as Azir. They can easily roam while you probably want to stay in your lane and farm up. While your team expects a normal proactive mid laner, Azir is mostly passive until he has at least 2 items.
This mismatch between what is expected of a midlaner and what Azir players want to do can create rifts between teammates and create tension in the team. It can be helpful to explain this before it even happens to your teammates.
Is Azir Really That Difficult

Azir, the League of Legends champion, is considered difficult due to his complex mechanics and the need for strong micro and macro play.
On a micro level, Azir requires precise control and positioning of his soldiers, which are his primary source of damage. Managing their placement and movement while simultaneously controlling Azir himself can be challenging. This requires players to have excellent mechanical skills and hand-eye coordination to maximize Azir’s damage output.
On a macro level, Azir’s kit revolves around his ability to control the battlefield with his ultimate, Emperor’s Divide. Properly utilizing this ability requires good game sense and decision-making. Azir players need to understand when and where to use their ultimate to separate enemies, protect allies, or secure objectives. This strategic aspect of Azir’s gameplay adds another layer of difficulty.
Furthermore, Azir’s playstyle heavily relies on positioning and timing. He is a squishy mage with limited mobility, making him vulnerable to assassins and divers. Azir players must constantly be aware of their positioning in team fights and skirmishes to avoid being caught out and eliminated.
Overall, Azir’s difficulty stems from the combination of his intricate mechanics, the need for precise micro-management, and the strategic decision-making required to effectively control the battlefield. Mastering Azir takes time, practice, and a deep understanding of both micro and macro aspects of the game.
Azir’s kit offers an unparalleled level of versatility. His ability to summon and control sand soldiers allows him to dominate the battlefield from a safe distance, dealing devastating damage to his enemies. This requires players to have exceptional positioning and map awareness, as Azir’s soldiers can be repositioned to create deadly zones of control. The satisfaction of flawlessly executing a well-coordinated attack with Azir is unparalleled, making him a champion that rewards patience and practice.
Furthermore, Azir’s playstyle encourages strategic thinking and decision-making. As the emperor of Shurima, Azir’s role is not limited to dealing damage; he also excels at controlling objectives and dictating the flow of team fights. His ultimate ability, Emperor’s Divide, can single-handedly turn the tide of battle by separating enemies or protecting allies. This strategic depth adds an extra layer of complexity to Azir’s gameplay, making him a champion that constantly challenges players to think critically and adapt to different situations.
While Azir’s learning curve may be steep, the journey of mastering him is an incredibly rewarding one. The sense of accomplishment that comes from successfully navigating his complex mechanics and outplaying opponents is unmatched. Azir enthusiasts often find themselves captivated by the intricacies of his kit, constantly seeking to improve and refine their skills.
In conclusion, Azir’s difficulty should not deter players from exploring his unique playstyle. While he may require a significant investment of time and effort to master, the satisfaction and rewards that come with playing Azir are well worth it. Whether you enjoy the challenge of learning complex champions or appreciate the strategic depth they offer, Azir is a champion that can provide endless hours of enjoyment and growth. Embrace the challenge, and let the sands of Shurima guide you to victory.