
We are going to go over the Ultimate Recall Timing Guide For League of Legends that will help you time those recalls properly and gain elo fast.
There are multiple things that make a player a great League of Legends player, and this includes wave management, map awareness, ability usage, and even objective prioritization. The best of the best players consistently do these things at a high level. Of course, all of the mechanics mentioned above are important, and you need to master them in order to climb the ranks.
However, recall timing is arguably the most common mistake low elo players make. This is the “Ultimate Recall Timing Guide For League of Legends” guide that teaches how to time recalls properly so that you can dominate more during the laning phase!
Why Is Recall Timing Important
The laning phase is one of the essential parts of a League of Legends match, and recall timing will improve the quality of your laning skill. Getting the timing correct will open a lot of favorable scenarios for you and the team. For example, timing the recall in order to get full health and some items before prioritizing the dragon will make the team fight advantageous to the team.
Recall timing is not easy to learn, and a player has to keep in mind wave and gold management to get it perfect. There are also different types of recalls that add to the mechanic’s difficulty.
Ultimate Recall Timing Guide For League of Legends: Wave Management and Minion Patterns
This is one of the reasons why recall timing is a hard mechanic to learn. A player has to manage their minions perfectly in order to have superb recalls. On paper, minion patterns are easy to remember. The cannon minion only appears every third wave, and it might be a simple idea, but the reality of recall timing is much deeper than the surface.
Let us count minion waves as 1, 2, and 3. These numbers are important because these are the deciding factors when it is the best time to recall. A good player will count these numbers in their head and plan in advance to get the most favorable timing.
Remember that the cannon is the hardest wave to clear, and it takes around 15 seconds to entirely kill, which is why it is the best time to recall when the cannon is the next wave to spawn. The cannon minion has 805 health and takes about two turret hits during the early game and increases up to nine as the game progresses. Sometimes it is more important to prioritize backing to the base instead of staying in the lane and killing minions in hopes of farming gold.
For instance, if the wave that you are currently facing is the wave “1,” then it is best if you hold out for a few seconds and try to time the recall on the second or third wave. This is why forcing the enemy laner to go back to base and reset is extremely devastating to their laning phase. In order to shove the wave to the enemy turret, great players will kill the second wave as fast as possible with their abilities.
Once their cannon wave hits the turret, they will recall and buy the items that they want. They can also shove the “1” minion wave again to create an unfavorable scenario for the enemy.
However, this is not the only consideration in deciding when to time your recall. Objective and buy prioritization are also factors in deciding when to recall. The following paragraphs will go over these in further depth!
Ultimate Recall Timing Guide For League of Legends: Recalling For Spending Gold To Buy Items
Now that you have learned about the counting mechanic for minion waves, it is now up to your game to time the recalls. One thing that has a significant impact on great timing is recalling to spend gold better than the enemy laner. As you may have known, items in League of Legends make a champion stronger, and of course, the strength of a champion will dictate how the outcome of the laning phase.
No one wants to start fights that are unfavorable to them. You will start winning more skirmishes and team fights by learning how to time recalls before buying items.
First, let us know how much gold income a minion wave gives to a player. The first wave and second wave give a max of 125 gold. However, the cannon wave gives 165 gold during the early stages of the game. Now that you know how much gold an entire minion wave gives to a player, you can start planning your recall by measuring the potential items you can buy.
For example, your current minion wave is slowly crashing into the enemy tower, but you currently have 700 gold as a Caitlyn. Is it the right call to recall during this scenario? If you thought no, then you made the right call. For 700 gold, you won’t be able to buy anything, so recalling during that scenario will not provide you with a lane advantage. It would be best to hold until another cannon wave to have 1300 gold as an AD carry.
Of course, it is different for each champion. You have to know how much gold you should have to hit the first item power spike. Think if recalling with a certain amount of gold will provide you an advantage in lane. If it does, then plan the next recall by using the past technique that you have learned.
Ultimate Recall Timing Guide For League of Legends: Getting Ready For Objectives
Objectives play a huge part in a team game like League of Legends, which is why both teams try to take the important neutral objectives: Baron Nashor, Dragon, and Rift Herald. This is why most team fights happen around their pits. Of course, no player wants to fight a battle that is unfavorable to them, which is why learning recall timing for objectives is an essential part of this guide.
There are two things you need to ask yourself when recalling objectives. One, you should ask yourself, am I strong enough to fight for the objective? Two, do I have lane priority, and will the enemy be pressured to take it back? It is best to recall now and get ready for the objective fight if you answered yes to both questions.
Gold and wave management is connected to timing your recalls for objectives. If you have enough gold before the whole team plans to fight for the objective, then you should recall, regenerate to full health and mana (or energy), and get the best items that you can before engaging in a team fight to maximize the damage potential of your champion.
On the other hand, lane priority is also equally important because it dictates which of the laners have control over the minion waves, which is why it is best to slow crash or shove the minion wave before recalling for an objective. Lane priority also demands a response from the enemy team because they will lose gold or a turret if they do not respond to the shoved minion wave. Not only that, but you will also be able to roam quickly by forcing an enemy laner in the lane where they lost lane priority.
Here is an excellent example of using recall to get ready for objectives. Fnatic used synchronized recalls throughout the game. And because of this, they were stronger than RNG and overpowered them during their skirmishes around the map. Watch the video by clicking here.
Ultimate Recall Timing Guide For League of Legends: Additional Tips For Recall Timings
Now that you have learned all the strategies for getting excellent recall timing. Below are additional suggestions and tips to help you win more games.
Sometimes, it is also a great time to recall if your whole wave is slow crashing into the enemy tower. Because in this way, they will not be able to take lane priority and the wave will reset and slowly crash into your tower. The enemy laners will also be unable to take their recalls because they will lose a lot of gold if they do.
Another tip is knowing when to freeze and shove the wave. As mentioned previously, wave management is connected to recall timings, and shoving the lane every time is a bad idea because you will be open to ganks, which might change the whole course of the laning phase. Plan accordingly and count the waves. If you think that you do not need to recall in the meantime, freeze the lane and force the enemy laners to overextend and get ganked.
When To Use Recall And Teleport More Efficiently
Because of the lane’s length and isolation, most of the time, top laners will use teleport as their second summoner spell. The teleport has a long cooldown. That is why many inexperienced players make the mistake of using their teleport spontaneously. And this might be one of the causes why their team lost the most recent team fight.
As you might have noticed, most pro players use their teleports to quickly respond to battles and help their team win the skirmishes. It is also a summoner spell paired with recall because it can gain a more significant advantage than using recall individually.
Wave management has been discussed many times in this guide, but it will still be applicable for using teleports efficiently. Most of the time, using teleport to join team fights to secure an objective will still be the best way. However, there are several things that you should consider before using teleport to lane. One, the enemy wave is slowly pushing toward your tower. Two, a huge wave has already crashed into your tower.
Lastly, your wave is broken and is currently slow pushing to the enemy turret. These are usually used after recalling to base and getting better items. The enemy laner will have a more challenging time dealing with you when you get stronger with better items. Still, these are the only scenarios you should use teleport to lane.
Another tip for using teleport better is pushing the side lanes and getting lane priority to pull enemies into the lane. As mentioned previously, lane priority is essential to get ready for an objective. These will make an enemy lose tremendous gold because of wasted waves, and you will earn an advantage because you were able to farm minions and join a pivotal team fight of the match.
The Top Lane “Cheater” Recall
If you haven’t heard of it, some players execute a strategy that can win them the lane instantly. It is more commonly known as the “cheater” recall. It is done by high elo and pro players in their top lane matches and gives them a huge advantage three minutes in the match.
To do this recall, you should be playing a strong early game champion like Darius and Renekton. When the first minion wave arrives, push it slowly and make sure that your minions have more health than the enemy minions. And when the second wave comes, make sure to hit level two faster than your opponent, then play aggressively and prevent the enemy from walking up and killing a minion.
Now, when the cannon wave starts to spawn, clear the minion wave as fast as you can and make sure that your minions crash the tower. Then, initiate a recall and buy an item and a ward. You will surely be in an advantageous position after doing it successfully because the enemy will not be able to cast recall while you are at full health and item advantage.
Make sure to use this on most of your top lane games because it is a low-risk, high reward strategy that will instantly grant you a lane win.
That was the end of “Ultimate Recall Timing Guide For League of Legends”. This mechanic is often overlooked, which is why a lot of low elo players make the same mistake over and over again. Pro players win the lane just by taking great recalls and getting in a favorable position, which is why recall timing is a great mechanic to learn and apply in your next games. I hope you liked it, and make sure to study and use everything you have learned above!
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