
We are going to cover How To Win Early As ADC LOL. Playing the AD carry role in League of Legends is not an easy feat. The constant pressure from the enemy support, having a support player with incompatible gameplay with you as a lane duo, and even getting bullied to death by the enemy AD carry all contribute to the hardships as an AD carry main. That is why some players want to gain strategies that will give them a headstart early on. Do not fret since here is a guide about additional strategies for an AD carry player in League of Legends to help you win games!
Retaliation Trading
Some people might think that trading means engaging in skirmishes with the enemy bot laners. That is true. However, there is also a term called retaliation trading. From the word itself, this is a strategy where you wait for the enemy AD carry to engage on you before retaliating and trading the amount of damage you take.
Many players may not realize that they are doing this already since it is pretty common. It’s crucial to remember that you should not be the one engaging on the enemy AD carry when playing this strategy. This is more of a passive playstyle while preventing the enemy laners from bullying you and your support.
For example, if the enemy AD carry damages you using her skills, you retaliate by returning the favor and using one of your available abilities. Using either Q, W, E, R does not matter. It is called retaliation trading as long as you strike back when hit.
Remember that retaliation trading is not limited to abilities only. However, it involves abilities for the most part. But it also applies to macro situations, too. For example, when you realize that the enemy mid laner is rotating towards the bot lane, you try to bait them by pushing further and engaging on three enemies at the same time. This might be probably a bad approach most of the time. That is why further tips about retaliation trading will be tackled in the next part.
How To Perform A Retaliation Trade
Skirmishing is an important part of winning lanes. That is why it is essential to know how to perform a retaliation trade. It is not straightforward as it may seem. In fact, it is really challenging to execute properly. That is why this part is essential to you as a reader.
As mentioned previously, it might be straightforward from the get-go. However, every bot lane scenario is different, making it hard for players to execute a retaliation trade flawlessly. Let us tackle some of the most common scenarios during the game.
For example, imagine you are playing Caitlyn when the enemy Lucian tries to engage you with a combo to retaliate this one without suffering enormous amounts of damage perfectly. You (as a Caitlyn player) should kite while performing auto attacks and throwing skill shots.
There may be times that it will be impossible to retaliate in the position you are in, which is why you should analyze each scenario in-game carefully in order to have perfect skirmishing as an AD carry.
Abuse Cheese In The Bot Lane To Win Every Lane Matchups
There are different types of cheese strategies in the bot lane to ensure an early game lead. Namely, the minion aggro cheese, bush cheese, jungle buff invade, and proxy farming strategies. Each has strengths and weaknesses, but all will be tackled in the next part of this article.
Minion Aggro Cheese
This is one of the easiest but most effective cheese strategies in the game. But, you might be wondering, why does minion aggro have a cheese strategy?
As everyone knows, minions, when killed, give XP and gold, which is an integral part of League of Legends gameplay. So, to perform this cheese strat, you have to hide in the farthest part of the bot lane bush before minions spawn. After that, you have to get the attention of the minions by showing yourself and pulling their aggro once they reach the lane, hence why it is called “Minion Aggro Cheese.”
By doing this, your first minion will die a lot faster compared to the enemy. You will be able to deny the enemy bot laners if your minion dies without them in the lane. As a result, you’ll be able to level up faster and get more gold compared to the enemy ADC. This strategy is usually done to perform a level 2 all-in (another strategy that will be discussed further in this article).
Bush Cheese
This is a pretty common one if the enemy bot lane has good CC. From the name itself, you should analyze whether the jungler will start on the bot lane or top lane, and if they start at the bot lane, this is the time where this strategy will be effective.
To do this, both you and your support should hide in this bush on the map. Once the enemy AD carry walks into this brush, all in them and gets the free kill, remember that this might not be effective to some bot lane duos, especially to champions without a good all in, so weigh your options and use this strategy carefully, because it might backfire!
Jungle Buff Invade
A strategy that you always see in funny League of Legends videos since it often fails and gets countered.
This strategy has many variations, but the difference is not that huge. It focuses on invading the enemy team’s jungle in an attempt to steal the buff and get early game kills. It is best to communicate with your team and choose the bush that you will all hide.
Remember to place wards and bring some sweeping trinkets to have a higher chance of success. Analyze the clear time of the enemy jungler and engage at the right moment. Like all other strategies, this might bring worse than good, especially if the enemy team has a better level one than your team.
As previously said, there are several varieties in doing the “Jungle Buff Invade.” Some teams use three people (ADC, Support, and Jungle), but others use all five members to invade. Decide depending on the situation because you might miss out on a lot of lane priority, gold, and exp if your team decides to perform this strategy.
Proxy Farming
This is a term that newer players might not be familiar with. Still, it is really easy to pick up and implement on your games. Proxy Farming is best performed on Singed, but it is still viable on the bottom lane, just not recommended.
I suggest staying out of this strategy, but it will not hurt adding another into your arsenal, right? The whole idea of “Proxy Farming” is killing the minions before they reach the middle of the lane, which means you and your support should push further in the middle of the two bottom towers and kill the minions in that area. This will lead to your minions pushing the bottom lane tower instantly, denying the enemy AD carry and support some gold and even XP.
As previously stated, you should avoid using this strategy because it is prone to backfiring. The enemy jungler or mid laner can rotate and get two kills easily, and this will lead to enemy snowball and cause you a broken wave management, which probably means that you lose the lane and probably even the game.
How To Execute These Strategies More Effectively
Unlike some strategies, those mentioned above can be executed at a higher success rate. And of course, these are not limited to bot laners, because even the jungler or mid lane often help execute these strategies.
Like what you have read in this article multiple times, a team with a better level one strength will win when executing cheeses. For example, a Blitzcrank hook will be a gamechanger when it comes to a Jungle Buff Invade, or a Morgana hitting their Dark Binding will ensure a level one kill. Some champions are definitely stronger than the others. That is why everyone in your team should play and plan together.
Why Is A Cheese Strategy An Effective One
These strategies are usually unexpected and will catch your opponent off guard. This will ensure you a winning lane as early as a few minutes if done perfectly. Not only that, but these strategies will also get your opponent tilted since they are cheap tricks to get the early advantage, which is why it is really effective when used well.
Remember that these strategies work the best with champions with great crowd control abilities, like Morgana, Thresh, and Blitzcrank. If your team does not get a kill during these strategies, don’t get discouraged. Because even baiting summoner spells, like Flash and Heal, will be a big help during the laning phase.
Level Two All-In
This strategy has two variations, but both are practically the same, which is reaching level two faster than the opponent bot laners. From the name of the strategy, you and your support should all in the opposing laners once you reach level two faster than them. And to be successful in this regard, you, together with your support, should either deny the enemy AD carry XP or kill minions faster than them.
Leveling up gives you bonus XP stats, and you will be able to cast another ability, which is why you will be ahead of your enemy 99% of the time if you reach level two faster than the enemy.
The first variation was tackled previously, called “Minion Aggro Cheese,” where you pull the aggro of the minions before reaching the middle part of the lane. If you have successfully denied the enemy AD carry some XP, you will almost certainly reach level two before the enemy laners, and this is the optimal moment to engage them.
Another variation is killing the minions faster than the enemy AD carry. This will only be done if you have a strong wave clear, like Lucian, Caitlyn, and Sivir. Once you reach level two, focus on the enemy AD carry and throw all that you can, whether auto-attacks or abilities, to kill them. It depends on the situation, but it is better to kill the AD carry as fast as you can because they are squishy, and you can deny them XP and gold once you kill them.
Proper Wave Management
Now that you have learned about pushing minion waves for a level two advantage, you should know that it is always not the case. The scenarios are limitless, and you should decide depending on your current situation.
The enemy AD carry might lose some XP and gold because their tower keeps on hitting the minions, but shoving the minion wave the whole game is just an invitation for the enemy jungler to gank you.
It is suicide to engage on the opposing laners if they are always under their towers. That is why it is also a good idea to freeze the lane near your tower after hitting level two (if you have an engage support) because it will be easier for your support to all in them during the early game.
Winning The Early Game With Positioning
As an AD carry, it is your job to have the best positioning possible every single time. Even though it might not be as crucial as positioning in team fights or late game skirmishes, getting caught off guard during the laning phase is something that you would not want to happen.
Everyone knows that positioning against a support that has tons of crowd control would be hell on earth, but this simple tip will get you better results when going against them.
Positioning on the opposite side of the lane will make it harder for them to hit their skillshots and/or crowd control. To make it worse for them, try standing beside at least one minion that might make them conscious of casting their abilities. Do not worry if they do because your loyal minion will protect you and catch the crowd control for you. Never forget this tip and implement it in your games. You will see an instant improvement in your laning phase gameplay.
Another positioning tip is knowing when to use your self-peel abilities, like Ezreal’s Arcane Shift and Caitlyn’s 90 Caliber Net. You might get more damage using them for combos, but you will be more prone to engage and ganks during this period because of their long cooldown. Sometimes, it is better to save it for later or use it for combos, but it will be left for you to decide when will be the best time to use it.
That ends the list of the strategies that you can implement on your game starting today! Some might be hard to master, but with constant practice and great decision-making, you will be able to execute all of it flawlessly. Getting a huge lead early on will likely guarantee a win, so try some of the strategies above now! Remember that it would not work 100% of the time, so do not get discouraged. Just play on and do your best to win your ranked games! Good luck on the rift summoner!
There are different guides available on this website. I suggest checking them all out to achieve your best game possible in the bot lane! Some of the said articles are accessible below: