
We will go over How To Carry With Lux. Lux has been one of my go-to support and mid lane champions in season 12 and I believe I will continue playing him in season 13. Today we will cover everything you need to know such as skill matchups, easy and difficult ones how he performs during the late and early games along with his team fighting capabilities.
If you haven’t played him and would like to take him up this is the guide for you. If you are a bit more advanced with Lux already then you may pick up a few things here and there from my experience playing him. Note I’m currently platinum 3 so everything you read here is up to that elo.
Easiest Lux Matchups
There are a few different ways to approach this question, but we’ll start by looking at the five easiest Lux matchups based on win rate.
1. Ahri
Ahri is an easy matchup for Lux because she has a very predictable kit. Her Q and E both travel in straight lines, so they’re easy to dodge. Her W doesn’t do much damage, so you can easily trade with her. Her ultimate is also easy to dodge. In general, Ahri is very easy to play against and you should have no trouble winning this matchup.
2. Annie
Annie is another easy matchup for Lux. She has a very limited range, so you can easily kite her. Her Q is her only real damage source, so if you can avoid it, you’ll win the trade. Her W and E are both very easy to dodge, and her ultimate is also easy to avoid. In general, Annie is an easy matchup and you should have no trouble winning.
3. Zyra
Zyra is an easy matchup for Lux. Her plants have a very limited range, so you can easily kite them. Her Q and E are both very easy to dodge, and her ultimate is also easy to avoid. In general, Zyra is an easy matchup and you should have no trouble winning.
4. Lulu
Lulu is an easy matchup for Lux. Her Q and E are both very easy to dodge, and her ultimate is also easy to avoid. In general, Lulu is an easy matchup and you should have no trouble winning.
5. Nami
Nami is an easy matchup for Lux. Her Q and E are both very easy to dodge, and her ultimate is also easy to avoid. In general, Nami is an easy matchup and you should have no trouble winning.
Hardest Lux Matchups
There are a few different ways to approach this question, so I’ll just list a few of the hardest Lux matchups from my perspective.
1. Zed – Zed is another mobile champion who can easily dodge Lux’s abilities. He also has a strong burst damage potential with his ultimate, which can be difficult for Lux to deal with.
2. Syndra – Syndra is a very powerful mage who can easily overwhelm Lux with her abilities. She has a lot of crowd control and can easily disrupt Lux’s spells.
3. Vladimir – Vladimir is a very tanky champion who can easily survive Lux’s damage. He also has a strong ability to heal himself, which can make it difficult for Lux to take him down. Also his W lets him escape a lot of her CC burst.
4. Fizz – This little daemon does very well on Lux. His E ability lets him dodge her Q and his Q ability lets him gap close to her. Furthermore his insane ultimate combo burst can easily one shot Lux even going through a barrier if needed.
Carry With Lux Low Elo
It’s not uncommon to see people with low ELO ratings in online games. In fact, it’s quite common. And while it may be frustrating to play against someone with a lower rating, it’s important to remember that everyone has to start somewhere.
The general rules of carrying in low elo hold true for lux lets see some of them below.
1. Don’t get tilted.
It’s easy to get tilted when you’re losing games or playing against players with lower ratings. But it’s important to remember that getting tilted will only make your situation worse. If you start tilting, you’ll make more mistakes and end up losing even more games.
2. Focus on your own game.
Like we said before, the most important thing is to focus on your own game. Don’t worry about what your opponents are doing, just focus on what you need to do to win.
3. Play to your strengths.
Everyone has different strengths and weaknesses. It’s important to play to your strengths and try to avoid your weaknesses. If you’re not sure what your strengths and weaknesses are, ask a friend or take a look at some of your previous games.
4. Practice, practice, practice.
The only way to get better at anything is to practice. So, if you want to carry with a low ELO rating, you need to practice as much as you can. Play against friends, family, or even strangers. The more you play, the better you’ll become.
5. Be patient.
Carrying with Lux in low ELO rating takes time and patience. You won’t become a pro overnight, so don’t expect to. Just keep playing and practicing, and eventually you’ll see your ELO rating improve.
Carry With Lux High Elo
As someone who has played in both high elo and low elo games, I can say that there is a big difference between the two. In high elo games, players are much more skilled and knowledgeable about the game. They know how to play the game at a high level and are able to make quick decisions. This results in a faster paced and more intense game. Low elo games, on the other hand, are much slower and players tend to make more mistakes. This can be frustrating for those who are used to playing at a high level, but it is also a great way to learn the game.
One of the most important things to remember when playing in high elo games is to always stay calm. This can be difficult when the game is intense, but it is important to remember that everyone makes mistakes. If you get angry or frustrated, it will only make it harder to focus and make good decisions. Another important thing to remember is to always be respectful to your opponents. Even though they are your enemies in the game, they are still people and deserve to be treated with respect.
If you are looking to improve your elo, there are a few things you can do. First, make sure you are always practicing and trying to improve your own skills. Second, watch high elo games and try to learn from them. Finally, don’t be afraid to ask for help from those who are better than you. Everyone was new to the game at one point, and we all had to learn from someone.
So, if you want to carry your team to victory in high elo games, remember to stay calm, be respectful, and practice as much as you can. With enough dedication and effort, you’ll be climbing the ranks in no time!
Lux definitely allows you to be very versatile and I would only consider playing her as support in high elo. Since high elo players are very good at dodging abilities you need to be extremely good at it to pull her off so it’s safer to be in the support lane.
How To Play Lux Early Game
Lux is a unique champion in League of Legends. She has the ability to control light and bend it to her will. This gives her a lot of power and flexibility in how she can play the game.
One of the best things about Lux is that she can be played in a variety of ways. She can be played as an AP carry, a support, or even a mid laner. No matter what role you want to play her in, she can be very effective.
The key to playing Lux early game is to understand her abilities and how they work. Once you know how to use her abilities, you can start to control the flow of the game.
Lux’s Q ability is called “Light Binding.” This is her main damage dealing ability. It fires a beam of light that damages and stuns the first enemy it hits. This ability is great for initiating fights or catching enemies off guard.
Lux’s W ability is called “Prismatic Barrier.” This ability shields Lux from damage. It also reflects any incoming projectiles back at the attacker. This is a great ability for surviving team fights and getting out of sticky situations.
Lux’s E ability is called “Lucent Singularity.” This ability fires a sphere of light that damages and slows enemies. It also reveals hidden enemies. This ability is great for farming minions and clearing out enemy jungle camps.
Lux’s ultimate ability is called “Final Spark.” This ability fires a massive beam of light that damages all enemies in its path. It also refunds a portion of the mana cost if it kills an enemy champion. This ability is great for finishing off low health enemies or dealing a lot of damage in a team fight.
Now that you know all of Lux’s abilities, you can start to play her early game. The most important thing to do early game is to farm minions and get gold. Try to last hit as many minions as possible with your auto-attack and abilities.
Don’t be afraid to use your abilities to last hit minions. They have relatively low cooldowns and can help you get gold quickly.
Once you have some gold, you can start to look for opportunities to kill enemy champions. Use your abilities to poke at them and try to get them to use their abilities. When they use their abilities, they are vulnerable to being killed.
If you can get an enemy champion low enough, you can use your ultimate to finish them off. Just be careful not to use it too early. If you use it too early, the enemy team will be able to escape or heal up before it goes off.
That’s all there is to playing Lux early game. Just remember to farm, poke, and look for opportunities to kill. If you do those things, you’ll be well on your way to carrying your team to victory.
How To Play Lux Late Game
Lux is a unique champion in League of Legends. She has the ability to control light and bend it to her will. Lux’s kit is designed around her ultimate, which allows her to stun and damage enemies in an area. This makes her extremely powerful in the late game, when team fights are common. Here are some tips on how to play Lux late game.
1. Use your ultimate to initiate team fights. Lux’s ultimate is a powerful tool that can easily turn the tide of a team fight. Use it to stun and damage the enemy team, then follow up with your other abilities.
2. Stay behind your team. Lux is very fragile, and she will die quickly if she is caught in the middle of a fight. Stay behind your tanks and let them take the brunt of the damage.
3. Focus on the enemy carry. In a team fight, it is important to take out the enemy carry. They are usually the most dangerous member of the team, and taking them down will give your team a big advantage.
4. Use your abilities wisely. Lux has a lot of powerful abilities, but they all have long cooldowns. Use them wisely, and don’t waste them on targets that are not worth it.
5. Position yourself carefully. Lux’s kit allows her to control the battlefield with her abilities. Position yourself carefully, and use your abilities to control the flow of the fight.
By following these tips, you can easily dominate the late game as Lux. Use your powerful kit to control the battlefield and take down the enemy team.
How To Team Fight With Lux
With Lux you basically need to sit behind help your ADC if needed and do as much damage as possible. In late game your cooldowns such as your ultimate are very low so don’t be afraid to spam them in a team fight to do as much damage as possible. If you are good with your Q stun try to stun the enemy squishes so your assassins can engage on them. Furthermore use your W to shield your ADC if needed or whoever the engage is. Do not waste it on an ally tank as it won’t do much for them keep it only for special situations as it can change the team fight outcome in some cases by keeping your ADC alive.
If you enjoyed reading How To Carry With Lux please consider dropping me a cheer below I would appreciate it. Hopefully you were able to learn something new or a lot to start playing this champion. As always if you have no experience with him I recommend you start with some normal/draft practice games and once you are comfortable then hop on to ranked games with him. No matter what I promise he’s a lot of fun to play.
You can find more about Lux here:
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