Today we will cover the topic of how to play 3 easy support champions in league of legends for beginners (2021). The idea behind playing easy champions is always to get familiar with the broader game dynamics along with being able to climb and focusing on macro rather than learning the champion specifics.

A bit about my background on the game, I have been playing League of Legends Summoners rift since season 7. During that time I have played all roles of the game with particular focus mid, top and adc. I have been able to easily reach high gold elo since the beginning of playing the game and have peaked to Platinum in several seasons. I have played in NA, EUW and EUNE servers but mainly EUW.
As you can tell from my game knowledge and background I have played a wide range of champions from easy to very difficult ones, so I can give you some high level advice on which ones I consider easy. I will try to pinpoint for each champion why I think they are easy besides the obvious ability kit. I will break it down by discussing and analyzing their abilities. Then I will talk about the combos you can do with them and how you can navigate the laning phase.
Lux – Easy support champion

Lux is probably one the most popular champions of the game. She’s very versatile and can be played in both the middle and support lane. Even though she’s a bit immobile her kit makes her very easy to play especially if you can land skill shots. Even if you can’t you can still sit back and spam abilities to do damage to the enemy champions as she has long range abilities and a very low cool down ultimate. Without having to go into details I will break down her abilities now. If you would like to find more information on her abilities you can check the link here.
Lux Abilities
- Passive: Lux’s passive is a simple one once you hit a champion with an ability then your next auto attack to them is empowered and deals bonus damage. Use this in lane to abuse the adc by dealing an extra burst of damage and constant poke with summon aery.
- Q/Light Binding: This is one of the most powerful abilities when laning as support. It’s a skillshot and if you aim right you can bind up to two enemies at the same time. The thing to note here is that if there’s a minion in the wave this will also bind them, so try to use this ability without hitting minions. An ideal time for it is when the lane is pushing and you have just killed all the minions. Other opportunities is when the enemies are mispositioned or walking aggressively towards you outside of minion waves.
- W/Prismatic barrier: The barrier provides a shield of you and your ally the trick here is to overlap your ally so try to stay close to him so it lands easier. This can be tricky sometimes especially if you have something like a tristana which can jump away from you aggressively.
- E/Lucent singularity: This is your main source of damage you want to use it as a poke in lane and likely max this ability first. It has a wide range that it affects and it also lasts a few seconds to detonate. This is particularly useful for you as it creates an isolation zone of enemies so place it strategically if you want them to stay away from your ally. Also it temporarily slows them down so if someone is chasing use it to delay them but be careful because sometimes stopping to use an ability will also slow you down too. One good scenario is when you are almost dead and just want to save the rest of your team in that case it might be good to delay them using your e.
- R/Final spark: Your ultimate is your bread and butter. This ability is in low cooldown and lets you spam it as frequent as you want. Sometimes you may just want to get your full hp enemies lower just to gain a lane advantage and make them play more defensively. Other times you can use it as a long range finisher if your jungler is fighting with the enemy jungler over a scudle crab. The range of this ability is what makes it beginner friendly. You can safely kill someone that’s trying to escape with low health and once you snipe them it’s very satisfying!
Overall my favorite ability is the Q simply because it could result in a kill. It’s a bit harder to land it especially in two people but if you get a good Q it can change a team fight dynamic or even turn the tides in a losing lane.
Lux Combos
For combos Lux has pretty much a simple variation and that’s why she’s so friendly for people starting out.
- As a starter depending on the situation and state of the game you almost always want to start with a Q. If you land a Q you can land the rest of your abilities easier too. So once you have your Q landed then you can use E to slow and damage the champion and finish with ultimate and ignite if you are running it.
- Another starter could be a ‘zoning e’ to make them side step or step closer to you if you throw it behind them and then you can land your q easier as you would kind of control of where they go. Then it’s up to your ADC to complete the process but also to you on landing your ultimate and ignite. Always remember to use your W to shield your ally and yourself in such situations.
Leona – Easy support champion

Leona is one of the safest supports you can play in the game and is very beginner friendly for the opposite reasons of lux. She has no range but she’s one of the tankiest champions that exist in the game. She scales fairly well and in late game she’s un-killable. Her kit contains not one, not two but three CCs! There’s very few champions in the game with so much CC abilities and tankyness. Lets start breaking down her abilities, if you would like to find out more information about Leona you can check the link here.
Leona Abilities
- Passive: If you land any ability on an enemy they get affected by sunlight and any ally damage going towards them deals additional bonus damage. There’s nothing special you need to do here for this to take into effect.
- Q/Shield of daybreak: This ability does extra damage and at the same time stuns the target for a brief period. This allows your adc to get near and deal damage and also chain it with the rest of your CC kit.
- W/Eclipse: She gains extra resistances if activated and also deals extra damage during that time.
- E/Zenith blade: This is the engage initiation ability Leona dashes towards an enemy and if she lands the ability she immobilizes and deals damage
- R/Solar flare: Her ultimate is one of the best team fight initiation abilities. Basically Leona picks a location and temporarily stuns everyone in the circle and deals damage in the area, think of it as an AOE stun!
Leona Combos
Like Lux Leona is a good versatile champion that can rotate her abilities and is very forgiving for a beginner due to her tankyness. Lets break down some combos you can do in your game.
- Initiate with your E ability then use q and w and start attacking them. At this point the enemy ADC will be basically perma immobilized while you would be super tanky and take very little damage. If they have an escape then you can easily use your ultimate after wards as it will be harder for them to dodge as they just used their distancing ability. Almost always if you land the initial E at the worst case the enemy ADC will have to go back or be potentially dead.
- Position yourself close to the enemy ADC and if you have the opportunity start with your W to gain tankyness and then go into them and use your Q. This saves your E as a second gap closer and further stun. The initial stun will allow your ADC to do the initial damage and you would still have your E to get close to them. If you fail your E you also have a backup like your ultimate ability that lets you stun them from distance as by this point they would have likely burned all their escapes. While this one is more complicated and more risky since you are being exposed walking into the enemy at the same time your chances of a kill are much higher and considering you have tankyness built in your risk of dying is lower.
Blitzcrank – Easy support champion

Blitzcrank is my all time favorite support and for a reason. He’s a very satisfying support to play. Why? There’s just something about those instant hooks that make it cool. I love the idea of being able to bring a champion next to you as if you are teleporting them to you. Another reason I love Blitzcrank is because he’s unique, sure a lot of other champions have hooks but Blitzcrank has something unique, instead of him going to them you pull them directly into you, plus he looks like a cool robot! Anyway since I’ve played him a lot over the years I will try to break down his abilities at a high level to shed some light of some of the intricacies he has that makes him great for beginners. Before you say his main ability (Q) is a skillshot please bear with me below. If you would like to find more information on Blitzcrank you can read more about him here.
Blitzcrank Abilities
- Passive: His passive is super simple he basically gets a shield which is proportionate to his mana when he drops below low health. This means you don’t need to do anything and you basically get for free some survivability and avoid getting killed. This works particularly good with his kit as he’s a champions that gets close to other champions and can get easily killed.
- Q/Rocket grab: Well well, there’s no Blitzcrank without his rocket grab. This ability is what makes the champion. Basically if you land the hook you get to pull the champion into you (outside their safety zone).
- W/Overdrive: You get temporary speed increase and then slow down. This can be used to intimidate enemies and then do a hook later or you can use it to get closer to the enemy as a gap closer to increase your chances of landing a hook.
- E/Power fist: This ability does damage and temporarily knocks up the enemy, you can combine this with your Q or even initiate with it. More about this below in the combo section.
- R/Static field: This ability does damage in an area around blitzcrank (circle) and temporarily silences the enemies. So if you are landing a hook and using your ultimate you can temporarily disable their escapes.
Blitzcrank Combos
Blitzcrank even though he’s a simple champion his kit makes him very versatile, especially when it comes to using his abilities and the order you use them. Below I’ll describe a few initiators as he’s generally an aggressive champion. Offcourse don’t initiate too much if you fall behind (this is where Blitzcrank falls off and is not a good pick).
- The long range initiation. Temporarily hide in a bush or use your W to get into a better position where you have increased chances of landing your hook. Once you do that try to land your hook and immediately use ultimate (if it’s available) followed by E (knock up) and ignite. The reason we use ultimate immediately if we have it is to avoid letting the enemy champion escape and also if their support comes in to help to temporarily disable their abilities too.
- The short range initiation. This is the ideal scenario if you can get it to work. The reason is that instead of initiating with the long range hook you initiate with a knock up (E). Use initially your W if you need to to get close to the enemy or use hexflash/flash. Once you are close to them immediately knock them up and then use ultimate to silence them. If they are not dead by your ADC at this point and they try to escape either use exhaust/ignite and then try to land your hook further bringing them back to you. The second time they surely will be dead. The caveat of this is that it leaves you a bit exposed and also distances you from your ADC. So coordination and planning needs to be done on this one. Try to communicate with your ADC what you would be doing so they are ready to move forward with you otherwise you would be doing CC on the enemy without them having the opportunity to do damage. If you are paired with someone like Tristana or a gap closer like Lucian/Ezreal they can get close only if you land your knock up and still stay safe, that’s why they are good champions to pair with Blitzcrank.
This was a very high level break down of 3 easy champions you can play as support that could help you climb in the ranks in league of legends as of 2021. Things could change in the future however these champions have been a staple since almost the beginning of the game and I doubt there will be much changes. My personal favorite is Blitzcrank because of the satisfaction the hooks give you, I guess I like the adrenaline spike when my hook lands. Also if an ADC is hooked and brought over he’s most likely dead, especially if your ally ADC is an early champion. Today we discussed 3 Easy support champions in league of legends for beginners use the tips and tricks mentioned here to kick start an easy support role adventure.
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Which is your favorite support champion?
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