
3 Easy league of legends champions in top lane for beginners

Introduction Today we will cover the topic of how to play 3 easy league of legends champions in top lane for beginners (2021). The idea behind playing easy champions is always to get familiar with the broader game dynamics along with being able to climb and focusing on macro rather than learning the champion specifics. […]

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Malzahar counters - Annie

5 League of Legends champions who counter Malzahar

Introduction Today I’m going to talk about 5 league of legends champions who counter Malzahar in the current meta in late 2021. This would probably be current for later years too as they have little to do with items and mainly about the ability kit of the champions themselves. Having said that Riot does rework

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Best Yasuo Champion Combos In League of Legends

Best league of legends champions to 1v5

Introduction I will try to break down the best league of legends champions to 1v5 that I have used over the years and successfully gotten pentakills up to Platinum elo. This is a very controversial topic and I figured I’d give you my perspective on it, particularly which champions I believe have chronically across patches

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